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My grandfather's godmother was wont to say to me when I was a boy, Patenostres et oraisons Sont pour ceux-la, qui les retiennent. Ung fiffre en fenaisons Est plus fort que deux qui en viennent. Not orisons nor patenotres Shall ever disorder my brain. One cadet, to the field as he flutters, Is worth two, when they end the campaign.

When, in his Méditations sur l'Evangile or his Elévations sur les Mystères, Bossuet unrolls the narratives of the Bible or meditates upon the mysteries of his religion, his language takes on the colours of poetry and soars on the steady wings of an exalted imagination. In his famous Oraisons Funèbres the magnificent amplitude of his art finds its full expression.

That done he goeth vp to the aultare, openeth the booke, lieng vpon the lefte corner of the same, kysseth it, and so procedeth in the Solempnisacion of the Masse. The subdeacon readeth the epistle, and the Deacon the godspelle. Priestes of al degrees, are charged to prayse God seuen times a daie, and to praye with ordenarie oraisons. Towarde the eueninge, euensonge: and compline more late.

DEAR FRIEND, I can't be quite still, though I have nothing to say but how good you must be, to see so much good in others! That is what always strikes me in your oraisons funebres, and equally, the fine discrimination you always show. And both appear in your loving notice of my volume. Well, I take it to heart, and accept, though I cannot altogether understand it.

Ainsy vivant, quant au corps, de vie bestiale, et quant a l'esperit, de vie angelicque, passoit son temps en lectures, contemplations, prieres et oraisons ayant un esperit joieux et content, dedans un corps emmaigry et demy mort.

"Pendant ses oraisons! pendant ses oraisons!" he murmured over and over again; and then had fallen on his knees and kissed the drooping lace of her sleeve. "Priez pour moi, madame," he whispered to the motionless figure. And so the old Catholic who had suffered so much had gone to her rest.

Don Mario, it seems Uncle to Lorenzo and Father to Leonora, had a private Door out of the Garden belonging to his House into that of the Convent, which Door this Father was now a going to open, that he and his Family might come and offer up their Oraisons for the Soul of their Kinsman.