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Roger Ingleton, major, if we find him, may be a villain, but he won't be the murderer of Miss Oliphant's father." They returned presently, baffled, to Maxfield. No one at the depots, or recruiting head-quarters, or pension offices could tell them a word of a soldier or a sailor named Callot who might have enlisted or gone to sea about twelve years ago. How could they expect it?

The leading Dutch-African families in Oliphant's Hock, Gamtoos River, along the Fish River, and Somerset, sold their farms in many cases at heavy loss, or for merely nominal sums crossed the border, and bade a final adieu to the land of their fathers.

Oliphant's 'Beleaguered City' that you lent me last term?" said. Beetle. The Padre nodded. "I got the notion out of that. Only, instead of a city, I made it the Coll. in a fog besieged by ghosts of dead boys, who hauled chaps out of their beds in the dormitory. All the names are quite real. You tell it in a whisper, you know with the names. Orrin didn't like it one little bit.

The stewardess brought Mrs. Oliphant's breakfast; but Bluebell, eager for more congenial companionship, dressed, and went down to the saloon, where she received a cheery welcome from the captain, who said he had hardly hoped to have his breakfast-table graced by the presence of any ladies on so wild a morning.

They were sitting in Oliphant's office, a small closet off the more pretentious library, and Mrs. Edwards could see the disorder into which the old man's papers had fallen. The confusion preceding death had already set in. After laying aside her hat, she went up, unannounced, to her uncle's room, determined not to give him an opportunity to dismiss her out of hand.

Shortly after you left, Deputy-Assistant something or other came with a long face. `This is a bad job, says he; `your friend Oliphant's left the accounts in an awful mess. Doesn't look well at all. Where is he? `Nonsense, my dear Deputy-Assistant, says I; `must be a mistake. Oliphant's a man of his word. Besides, he's just come into a fortune.

"Never," responded Bluebell, not inveigled into giving any further information by Mrs. Oliphant's look of curiosity. "Perhaps you are going out now to be married?" "No," said the girl, composedly; "if that were the case I should hope my intended husband would come and fetch me." "Well," said the lady, finding she was to extract nothing, "I suppose we must be getting ready for dinner.

It is no use my telling you that I am innocent that till I had been two days here I never so much as heard of Oliphant's death. You would not believe it.

I have Captain Oliphant's instructions." "And mine?" "You were not here." "I am here now, and I object to Hodder's being disturbed. Do I make myself clear?" "But " "You must excuse me, Mr Pottinger. I shall be glad to discuss the matter with you in the presence of my co-trustees. Meanwhile, good- morning." The lawyer jumped out of his chair like a man shot.

"What is his name?" "Mr Ratman; he hurt me awfully once." The duke, feeling that Miss Oliphant's party was taking rather a serious turn, walked across the room to where Mr Ratman was already engaged in an uncomfortable colloquy with Dr Brandram. "What are you doing here?" the doctor had asked. "That's my business," said Mr Ratman. "For the matter of that, what are you doing here?"