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'He' was humorous; 'he' acknowledged mistakes in the score, calling them 'slips of the pen. 'He' became highly technical in his conversation with Blake, talking of musical matters that were Greek to me and, I venture to say, Coptic to the psychic. 'He' corrected the notations himself, sometimes when Blake held the slate, sometimes when I held it.

A few steps and he was before the safe once more and reaching for the second envelope. Heavy and bulky was this, filled with tax receipts, with plats and blueprints and the reports of surveyors. Here was an assay slip, bearing figures and notations which Robert Fairchild could not understand.

Frank grinned automatically, but the grin fell from his face like a mask the moment he turned from the desk. He went through the locker room and got his stethoscope on the way to Ward Five. The patient known to the hospital as William Matson lay quietly on his back, staring at the ceiling. Frank checked the clipboard. There were no notations but his own.

Invariably he concluded the entry thus: "Neck was broke by the fall. Everything passed off smooth." From his first time of service he had never failed to make such notations following a hanging, he being in this, as in all things, methodical and exact. The rest of the day, in all probabilities, would be given to small devices of his own.

Like many embittered recluses, Cavour had been an enthusiastic diarist. Everything that took place in his daily life was carefully noted down his digestion, the weather, any stray thoughts that came to him, tart observations on humanity in general. But Alan was chiefly interested in the notations that dealt with his researches on the problem of a faster-than-the-speed-of-light spacedrive.

But don't go and lay this to your eyes. You always wrote hieroglyphically, yet not to come up to the mystical notations and conjuring characters of Dr. Parr. You never wrote what I call a schoolmaster's hand, like Mrs. Your boy-of-genius hand and your mercantile hand are various.

They said only a Rothschild could afford to own her, and indeed when she appeared in the Mississippi being built for the cotton trade freights to Liverpool instantly fell off. But thereafter the size of ships both packet and clippers steadily and rapidly increased. Glancing down the long table of ships and their records prepared for the United States census, we find such notations as these.

Here is a massive Beybile for your four deeds." "Take him one. Handy will three be in the minute of the questioning." "Refusing the Beybile bach you are. Also the hymn-book old and new notations I present for four. Stupid am I as the pigger's prentice who bought the litter in the belly." "Be him soft and sell for one." "I cannot say less. No relation you are to me.

There was no spot or corner in the two small rooms that comprised his "chambers" to which he could point with pride. The floors were littered with papers; the walls were greasy and bedecked with malodorous notations, documents and pictures; the windows were smoky and useless; the clerk's desk bore every suggestion of dissoluteness.

He was in possession of Cavour's notes, but he wanted to do a perfect job of reproducing them, of converting the scribbled notations into a ship. To his great despair he discovered, when he first examined the Cavour notebook in detail, that much of the math was beyond his depth. That was only a temporary obstacle, though. He hired mathematicians. He hired physicists. He hired engineers.