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And Constantine saith, that the veins spring out of the liver, as the arteries and wosen do out of the heart, and the sinews out of the brain. And veins are needful as vessels of the blood to bear and to bring blood from the liver, to feed and nourish the members of the body. Also needly, the veins are more tender and nesh in kind than sinews.

First I hesitated whether I should speak, thinking if it were a stranger he'd maybe think me forrard.* But I knew blind folks must not be nesh about using their tongues, so says I, 'Jem Wilson, is that you? And sure enough it was, and nobody else. Did you know he were in Halifax, Mary?" *Forrard; forward.

Therefore candles and prickets are set on candlesticks and chandeliers, lanterns and lamps are necessary to burn." This little touch gives us the reverse of the picture, and reminds us of the Knight of the Tower's caution to his daughters about their behaviour at a feast. SUCH children be nesh of flesh, lithe and pliant of body, able and light to moving, witty to learn.

Bainton cheerfully, sitting down to dinner opposite her husband, 'What nesh fools men are, to be sure! Every-one says she's a fine lady 'customed to all sorts of show and gaiety and the like what will she want to do with the church? Ten to one she never goes inside it!"

And for iron hath less of airy and watery moisture than other metals: therefore it is hard to resolve and make it again to be nesh in fire. Use of iron is more needful to men in many things than use of gold: though covetous men love more gold than iron.

Whenever she and her husband came to a puddle in their walks together he'd take her up like a half-penny doll and put her over without dirting her a speck. And if he keeps the daughter so long at boarding-school, he'll make her as nesh as her mother was. But here he comes." Just before this moment Winterborne had seen Melbury crossing the court from his door.

She tripped off, calling Rupert, while the good gardener, his hands thrust deep in his pockets, stood looking after her and shaking his head with rather a melancholy air. 'She gets moor nesh and dillicat than iver, he said, half to himself and half to Hester. 'I shouldn't woonder if she fades away laike them cyclamens as I transplanted.

'Such a chap as me is not like to see the measter. Th' o'erlooker bid me go and be d d. 'I wish you had seen Mr. Thornton, said Mr. Hale. 'He might not have given you work, but he would not have used such language. 'As to th' language, I'm welly used to it; it dunnot matter to me. I'm not nesh mysel' when I'm put out.

I am not at all afraid of Fanny, if I may sit in my own room and have a candle. She was such a childlike, nesh young thing that her spirit couldn't appear to anybody if it tried, I'm quite sure." "O no, no! You go to bed. I'll sit up for him myself till twelve o'clock, and if he has not arrived by that time, I shall give him up and go to bed too." It is half-past ten now." "Oh! is it?"

Have ye no marvel, said the good man thereof, for it seemeth well God loveth you; for men may understand a stone is hard of kind, and namely one more than another; and that is to understand by thee, Sir Launcelot, for thou wilt not leave thy sin for no goodness that God hath sent thee; therefore thou art more than any stone, and never wouldst thou be made nesh nor by water nor by fire, and that is the heat of the Holy Ghost may not enter in thee.