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Updated: August 18, 2024

Notorious among these men was one Isaac Graham, an American trapper, who had become weary of wandering and had settled near Natividad. There he established a small distillery, and in consequence drew about him all the rough and idle characters of the country. Some were trappers, some sailors; a few were Mexicans and renegade Indians. Over all of these Graham obtained an absolute control.

The Tortugas Returns to Hispaniola Picks up an Indian in a canoe on the way The Indian's report induces a cacique to visit the ships Friendly intercourse with other caciques Farther along the coast, an envoy from the great cacique Guacanagari visits the ships The notary sent to the cacique His large, clean village The Spaniards treated as superior beings Cibao, mistaken for Cipango, heard of The ship of Columbus wrecked Guacanagari's generous behaviour Terror of the Indians at hearing a cannon discharged Delighted with hawks' bells Stores from the wreck saved A fort built with the assistance of the natives, and called La Natividad The cacique's friendship for Columbus Abundance of gold obtained A garrison of thirty men left in the fort, with strict rules for their government Guacanagari sheds tears at parting with the Admiral The Nina sails eastward The Pinta rejoins him Pinzon excuses himself His treachery discovered In consequence of it Columbus resolves to return to Spain Pinzon's ill treatment of the natives Fierce natives met with First native blood shed The Indians notwithstanding visit the ship Columbus steers for Spain Contrary winds A fearful storm The device of Columbus for preserving the knowledge of his discoveries The Azores reached Castaneda, Governor of Saint Mary's Crew perform a pilgrimage to the Virgin's shrine Seized by the Governor Caravel driven out to sea Matters settled with Castaneda Sails Another tempest Nearly lost Enters the Tagus Courteously received by the King of Portugal Reaches Palos 15th of March, 1493 Enthusiastic reception at Palos Pinzon in the Pinta arrives Dies of shame and grief Columbus received with due honour by Ferdinand and Isabella Triumphal entrance into Barcelona His discovery excites the enterprise of the English.

These jars were full of those delicious pastry cakes already mentioned, ojaldres, they are called, made by the sisters of the Convento Maria Natividad de Albero.

They sailed on the eve of All Saints, from the harbour of Natividad, in lat. 20°N. and shaping their course towards the west, they came in sight of the island of St Thomas, which had been before discovered by Hernando de Girijalva; and beyond that, in 17°N, they got sight of another island, which they named La Nebulata or the Cloudy Island; and from thence, they came to another island, which they named Roca Partalia, or the cloven rock.

Five of these caciques offered gifts to the Spaniards, and I have wished to record their names in memory of their hospitality: Chiaconus Chianaocho, Chiaconus Fintiguanos, Chiaconus Chamailaba, Chiaconus Polomus, Chiaconus Pot. This gulf is called Bahia de la Natividad, because Columbus discovered it on the Feast of Christmas; but he only sailed by, without penetrating into the interior.

From thence he proceeded to Zuzullin, and came at length to Nito; from whence he went to a bay on the coast, called St Andre, where, finding a good haven, he built a town called Natividad de nuestra Sennora. He went thence to Truxillo, on the coast of Honduras, where he was well received by the Spanish settlers.

The Spanish portion commemorates the expedition of Inigo Ortiz de Retez with Gaspar Rico, in the San Juan, in the year 1545; some of the names being the Rio de S. Augustino; the island of Ortiz, I de Arti; the port of Gaspar Rico and the I. S. Juan, named after their little ship; the cape named Ancon de la Natividad de Nustra Siniora, being the term of their voyage which, according to Juan Gaetan, one of Villalobos' pilots, who wrote a description of it, extended to six or seven degrees of south latitude, must represent the modern Cape King William, or thereabouts.

"Listen, Juanita. It was a year ago, the eve of Natividad, he was in the church when I sang. Look where I would, I always met his eye. When the canticle was sung and I was slipping into the sacristy, he was beside me. He spoke kindly, but I understood him not. He put into my hand gold for an aguinaldo. I pretended I understood not that also, and put it into the box for the poor.

It was a year ago, the eve of Natividad; he was in the church when I sang. Look where I would, I always met his eye. When the canticle was sung and I was slipping into the sacristy, he was beside me. He spoke kindly, but I understood him not. He put into my hand gold for an aguinaldo. I pretended I understood not that also, and put it into the box for the poor. He smiled and went away.

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