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Möbius has described interesting observations concerning the mental life of the chimpanzee. But this, like all of the work previously mentioned, is rather in the nature of casual testing than thoroughgoing, systematic, and analytic study. In addition to the above reports, there are a few concerning the behavior of apes which have been especially trained for purposes of exhibition.

Mobius, of Leipsic, has published several books on the same subject, and, quite lately, the renowned professor of psychiatry in the University of Vienna, Dr. R. Von Krafft-Ebing, has joined in the defense of this great discovery."

The whole right half of the body was much smaller and better developed than the left, resulting in a limping gait. The electric reaction and the reflexes showed no abnormality. The asymmetry was first observed when the child was three. Mobius and Demme report similar cases. Adams reports an unusual case of hemihypertrophy in a boy of ten.

George, on the reduction of organs; on the ears of the lemuroidea; on variability of the muscles in lemuroidea; on the caudal vertebrae of monkeys; on the classification of the primates; on the orang and on man; on differences in the lemuroidea; on the crest of the male newt. Mobius, Prof., on reasoning powers in a pike. Mocking-thrush, partial migration of; young of the.

According to his theory, the round-trip distance between any two planetary or ²stella bodies was curved in the manner of a Möbius strip i.e., a strip of paper given a half-twist before bringing the two ends together.

A curious case has been given by Professor Möbius, of a pike, separated by a plate of glass from an adjoining aquarium stocked with fish, and who often dashed himself with such violence against the glass in trying to catch the other fishes, that he was sometimes completely stunned. The pike went on thus for three months, but at last learned caution, and ceased to do so.

Möbius, a German neurologist, came out boldly for the conception that a number of ailments could be due to qualitative and quantitative changes in the secretion of the thyroid, and that just as myxedema and cretinism were due to an insufficiency of the secretion, Parry's disease was to be ascribed to an excessive outpouring of it. The next steps were easy.

This brought them directly opposite one another one on one side of the strip, the other on the other side; but since a Möbius strip has only one surface or side the two dots were actually occupying the same space at the same time. In "Möbius space", then, Earth and Sirius XXI were "coincidental". Philip looked over his shoulder at the little yellow sun twinkling in the sky.

The prohibition to think extends, automatically and inevitably, far beyond the sexual sphere. "I do not believe," Freud concludes, "that there is any opposition between intellectual work and sexual activity such as was supposed by Möbius.

Myles, distance is not a factor. In Möbius space as we have come to call it for lack of a better term any two given points are coincidental, regardless of how far apart they may be in non-Möbius space. But this becomes manifest only when a Möbius coincidence-field is established. As you probably know by now, Francis Pfleuger created such a field."