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Updated: August 15, 2024

During the other six months we lived principally upon game, such as venison, bear's meat, beaver, wild-cat, ptarmigan, rabbits and even muskrats. So, this request to bring out something to eat that savoured of civilisation, was not an unreasonable one.

The sheep were to be washed and sheared, too, and the awkward, weak-kneed calves to be fed. While the spring floods ran high, ducks and geese covered the water, and muskrats came out, driven from their holes.

Course if I'd know I was goin' to have bankers' daughters with gold er muskrats 'round their necks come to see me I'd have dressed up." "Oh, I don't mean your clothes. I mean you yourself you've changed." "I've changed! How, for mercy sakes?" "Oh, lots of ways. You pay the ladies compliments now. You wouldn't have done that a year ago." "Eh? Pay compliments? I'm afraid you're mistaken.

Here lazy, big, black water snakes, for which the creek was named, sunned on the bushes, wild ducks and grebe chattered, cranes and herons fished, and muskrats plowed the bank in queer, rolling furrows. It was always a place full of interest, so Freckles loved to linger on the bridge, watching the marsh and water people.

"But we saw lots of empty shells, you know," broke in Bandy-legs. "Yes, looked as if muskrats, or something like that, had been living off mussels right along," Steve admitted. "And so, while we made camp, our two learned leaders strolled up the river known as the Big Sunflower to see what the chances were for a crop," Bandy-legs went on.

"Just as alligators do, so mink, otter, and muskrats have holes that run up into the bank of a stream, their nest being always above ordinary high water. When you missed seeing your rat it was because he happened to be near enough to dive down, enter his tunnel, and make his way up to his nest.

They all had the same beady black eyes that look as though they were afraid of getting caught in a trap, like muskrats, and their noses had the same inquiring appearance, as though the owner was speculating as to how much money the visitors had in their pockets, and whether it was fastened in.

This one's house looked extra big because it was all covered with snow. There wouldn't be room for us inside there, Flossie." "I'm glad of it," answered the little girl. "I wouldn't want to crawl in with a lot of rats." "Muskrats are nice," Freddie said. "Bert told me so." "Well, I don't like 'em!" declared Flossie. "Come on, Freddie. Let's get away from here.

These are favorite outlooks and resting places for bears, wolves, and wildcats. In the densest places I came upon woodrat villages whose huts were from four to eight feet high, built in the same style of architecture as those of the muskrats. The day was nearly done.

The boys, however, soon became tired of killing the poor muskrats, and so only remained at the work with the Indians for the one forenoon. After that they left their long spears at the camp, and taking a dog or two with them, and their guns, had some good sport among the partridges, which were fairly numerous.

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