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Updated: August 4, 2024

I feel just as when our music-master was talking away about thorough bass: I could not get hold, head or tail, of what the man was after, and we all agreed there was no sense in it. Now I begin to suspect there must have been too much!" "There is no fear of her!" said Ian to himself. "My heart told me the truth about her!" thought Alister jubilant. "Now we shall have talk!"

"Trades! your father followed no trade, but the trade of the light-fingered gentry." "I beg your pardon, sir; my dad was a noted man in his day: a carpenter, joiner, tooth-drawer, barber, gardener, studying-master, dancing-master, whipping-master, fiddling-master, school-master, music-master, play-actor, &c. &c. all of which I am yours gentlemen to command.

The footman was absent, attending his mistress on her way to the lecture. None of the female servants were on the stairs. He took up Carmina's letter, and looked at the address: To Ovid Vere, Esq. Gallilee from engaging him as her music-master.

When I think that I, who pride myself on my philosophy, have quitted Ravenna, borrowed a private villa, leagued myself with an uncultivated plebeian, and all for the sake of a girl who has already deceived my expectations by gaining me as a music-master without admitting me as a lover, I am positively astonished at my own weakness!

"His promise, his word of honor." "Was he a gentleman?" "Not socially, but in every other sense. He was my music-master in Paris." Curtis put his next question hurriedly.

Few of the boys in the Manor, and none out of it, knew that John Verney had been chosen to sing the treble solo; always an attractive number of the programme. John, indeed, was painfully shy in regard to his singing, so shy that he never told Desmond that he had a voice. And the music-master, enchanted by its quality, impressed upon his pupil the expediency of silence.

She hastily took it from his hand, saying: "No offence, Herr Wilhelm, but we'll discuss your motet to-morrow, or whenever you choose; to-day " "To-day your time belongs to this letter," interrupted Wilhelm. "That is only natural. The messenger has performed his commission, and the music-master will try his fortune with you another time."

No one knew then, or later, what abbe or pious spinster had discovered the old German then vaguely wandering about Paris, but as soon as mothers of families learned that the Comtesse de Granville had found a music-master for her daughters, they all inquired for his name and address. Before long, Schmucke had thirty pupils in the Marais.

We have visited our old music-master, at whose house we both boarded for the practice of the lute! He was so pleased to find I still studied! observing that many married ladies relinquished it soon; and he praised my husband's execution on the viol in no small degree. "Adieu, my dear young friend.

Marie Antoinette had always been fond of music, and, as we have seen before, ever since her arrival in France, had devoted fixed hours to her music-master.

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