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He must have had urgent business in New York, for he remained there all night, and all the next day, too, and if he had not paid his bill in advance, Mrs. Muldoon would have suspected that he had run away.

Well we remembered Ileen's love of frankness and honesty how she treasured truth and candor above vain compliment and blandishment. Linking arms, we did a grotesque dance of joy up and down the platform, singing "Muldoon Was a Solid Man" at the top of our voices. That evening four of the willow rocking-chairs were filled besides the lucky one that sustained the trim figure of Miss Hinkle.

There was some little sly comment, thoroughly good-natured, over the metamorphosis which a year had made in Ray, when suddenly the door opened and he bounded in. "Give me a flask of good brandy, Muldoon; our driver is almost frozen."

Muldoon," continued the Judge as he took a document out of his pocket and handed it to the sailor, "of course you know that you can not force this girl to marry against her will whether she is of age or not, but, aside from that, here is an order of court directing you to show cause why the girl should not be taken from you upon the ground of cruelty and neglect.

"I would not like to say for sure, mam," he said, slowly, "but I'm thinkin' 't is a loss he has had, maybe, that's preyin' on his mind. Ever since ye told me, Missus Muldoon, that he was a professor of th' educated fleas, I have had doubts of th' state of th' mind of th' professor.

And then some other professor goes on where he left off, and takes up the next leg." "And do they get paid for it?" asked Mrs. Muldoon, with surprise. "Sure, they do!" said Flannery. "Good money, too. A good specialist professor gits more than an ixpriss agent.

Muldoon, and Mrs. Muldoon dropped down upon it. "What's the matter?" questioned the Professor. "What's happened?" Mrs. Muldoon glanced round her, and her voice was an hysterical whisper. "It's no mortal woman ye've brought into the house," said Mrs. Muldoon. "It's a fairy."

We need scarcely add that Biddy won the kemp and the husband, and that she and Shaun lived long and happily together; and I have only now to wish, kind reader, that you and I may live longer and more happily still. There lived not long since, on the borders of the county Tipperary, a decent honest couple, whose names were Mick Flannigan and Judy Muldoon.

Peggy Muldoon, she of the game leg and green-patched eye and limber tongue, steadied herself well back against the battered wall at the street corner and gave her whole energy to a torrent of speech unusual to even her noble powers. She would not let Mike Bogan go to America unsaluted and unblessed; she meant to do full honor to this second cousin, once removed, on the mother's side.

The yellow horse blustered and squealed a little, and at last said that, if it was a horse-fly that had stung Muldoon, he would accept an apology. "You'll get it," said Muldoon, "in de sweet by-and-bye all de apology you've any use for. Excuse me interruptin' you, Mr. Rod, but I'm like Tweezy I've a Southern drawback in me hind legs."