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We sat down to table; the covers were removed, and, as the midshipmen prophesied, there was plenty of pork mock-turtle soup, made out of a pig's head a boiled leg of pork and peas-pudding a roast spare-rib with the crackling on sausages and potatoes, and pig's pettitoes.

We sat down to table; the covers were removed, and as the midshipmen prophesied, there was plenty of pork mock-turtle soup, made out of a pig's head a boiled leg of pork and peas-pudding a roast spare-rib, with the crackling on sausages and potatoes, and pig's pettitoes.

He answered that I was very polite, and that he should be very happy to see Hoskins; and we went accordingly at the appointed day and hour; but though Gus was eleventh clerk and I twelfth, I remarked that at dinner I was helped first and best. I had twice as many force-meat balls as Hoskins in my mock-turtle, and pretty nearly all the oysters out of the sauce-boat.

All the Disestablished Church of Ireland is exceedingly anti-ritualistic. 'I do not want Mock-Turtle, when I am so near real Turtle, said Sir George Shiel, when asked to visit St.

From the circumstance of the dinner being composed of pig's-head mock-turtle soup, of pig's fry and roast ribs of pork, I am led to imagine that one of Ponto's black Hampshires had been sacrificed a short time previous to my visit. It was an excellent and comfortable repast; only there WAS rather a sameness in it, certainly. I made a similar remark the next day'. During the dinner Mrs.

My sentimental spark kisses Emily Warren, and marries Amy Stuart." The captain, happier than before, called complacently for Cayenne pepper, and relished his mock-turtle with a higher gusto. It is worth recording, that the same change of name mystified slanderous friends in the Presidency of Madras. And now, kind-eyed reader, this story of 'The Twins' must leave off abruptly at the wedding.

The servant stood for some time fumbling with his hair, and shuffling with his feet, muttering something to himself. "Don't you hear?" I asked. "Kill the pig; and let us have the fry to-day; the head with plenty of port wine, as mock-turtle soup, to-morrow; and get one of the legs roasted for dinner on Saturday."

We've heard a great deal about the fishing round Winchester; and we've come down to spend an idle week or so, and have a look about the place against next summer; and if we like the looks of the place, why, we shall come and spend the summer months at the George, where we find the accommodation in general, and say the fried soles, or the mock-turtle, in particular, better than at any hotel in the three kingdoms.

The first month of the year dragged itself slowly to an end, and the great city underwent all those pleasing alternations, from snow to mud, from the slipperiness of a city paved with plate-glass to the sloppiness of a metropolis ankle-deep in a rich brown compound of about the consistency and colour of mock-turtle soup, which are common to great cities at this season; and still John Saltram lingered on in the shabby solitude of his Temple chambers, slowly mending, Mr.

Soup for a country dinner should be clear bouillon, with macaroni and cheese, creme d'asperge, or Julienne, which has in it all the vegetables of the season. Heavy mock-turtle, bean soup, or ox-tail are not in order for a country dinner.