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Updated: August 10, 2024

Gorostiza nació en nuestro puerto de Veracruz el 13 de octubre de 1789, de una familia española distinguida, cuyo jefe, el general D. Pedro de Gorostiza, vino a la Nueva España con el segundo Conde de Revillagigedo, de quien era pariente o amigo, a encargarse del mando civil y militar de aquella plaza.

Two such, I remember; one a grand review of the Bürger Militär; the other the public confirmation of the apprentices and others, and the conscription of the youth of the city. The former was a trying affair. Some twelve thousand citizen-soldiers had to turn out, fully rigged and equipped, by early dawn, ready for any amount of drill and evolution.

Armed with a sheet of flimsy stamped in blue with the escutcheon of Charles VII., and the legend "Secretaria Militar de Lóndres," and with, what was more potent, a big credit on a banking-house, I started afresh on the now familiar route. Before undertaking the journey into the territory in revolt I halted at Bayonne to procure the necessary passes.

Rita this time had a bundle with her, which she gave to Russell, directing him to hide it under the bench for the present. "You mus' disguisar," she said; "this is a woman dress " "A woman's dress?" "Oh, no difficolta. You wait till avenin', then you put him on, ofer your militar coat just as you stands. Alla right; then you disguisado, and commalong me. I be alla ready. You waita forra mi.

"I was standing close to Mozart," says Kelly, "who, sotto voce, was repeating: 'Bravo, bravo, Benucci! and when Benucci came to the fine passage, 'Cherubino, alla vittoria, alla gloria militar, which he gave out with stentorian lungs, the effect was electricity itself, for the whole of the performers on the stage, and those in the orchestra, as if actuated by one feeling of delight, vociferated: 'Bravo, bravo, maestro!

Benucci! and when that fine passage came, 'Cherubino, alla vittoria, alla gloria militar, which Benucci gave in a stentorian voice, the effect was quite electrical, both on the singers on the stage and the musicians in the orchestra.

And in these and the like kinds, it often falls out, that somewhat is produced of nothing; for lies are sufficient to breed opinion, and opinion brings on substance. In militar commanders and soldiers, vain-glory is an essential point; for as iron sharpens iron, so by glory, one courage sharpeneth another.

I must confess that it is a novelty and a pleasure to enter an enemy's territory and sit down in a room marked Militär Wachtzimmer, with all the enemy's emblems on the walls, but on the whole I liked best the advice evitare di fumare esplosioni painted by some Italian wag on an Austrian guardhouse, and possibly intended as a hint to Austro-German diplomacy in the future.

Bernardino de Escalente, in his work Diálogos del arte militar, printed in Seville in 1583, says that the Captain Ojeda, of the galley Guzmana, recaptured the Capitana of Malta; and that, in recognition thereof, "the Religion" pensioned him for life. Ojeda, it is to be presumed, was under the orders of the Marquis of Santa Cruz during the battle.

He felt, however, that this time things had been easier for him to bear, and that the only painful feeling he had experienced during the interview was the vexation he was giving the major. The Militar Wochenblatt published a short account of his discharge. It made no personal impression on him, but he felt that he was branded in the eyes of others.

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