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Updated: August 9, 2024

With arecalin, the alkaloid of the Betel nut, I have no experience, nor have I used its mixture with eserin, recommended by Merck as more potent than either of the drugs in separate solution.

On December 21, 1937, Baron von Merck flew to Guatemala the same day that a cargo of arms from Germany was to be landed off the wild jungle coast of Campeche in Southern Mexico. Guatemala, just south of Mexico, is the most thoroughly organized fascist country in Central or South America.

For the safest way of not being very miserable is not to expect to be very happy. Merck, the friend of Goethe's youth, was conscious of this truth when he wrote: It is the wretched way people have of setting up a claim to happiness and, that to, in a measure corresponding with their desires that ruins everything in this world.

The house was a plain, two-storied edifice of brick, with red-tiled roof, and had formerly been a cloister dedicated to Saint Agatha, the last prior of which had been hanged by the furious Lumey de la Merck. The news of Anjou's death had been brought to Delft by a special messenger from the French court.

The house was a plain, two- storied edifice of brick, with red-tiled roof, and had formerly been a cloister dedicated to Saint Agatha, the last prior of which had been hanged by the furious Lumey de la Merck. The news of Anjou's death had been brought to Delft by a special messenger from the French court.

"Yes, Herder was unfortunate in this respect," replied Goethe; "nay," added he, with vivacity, "if his spirit were present at this conversation, it would not understand us." "On the other hand," said I, "I must praise Merck, who urged you to print Goetz." "He was indeed an odd but important man," said Goethe.

[Footnote 55: For a rather unfavorable criticism of the Yorick-Eliza letters, see letter of Wilh. Ludw. Medicus to Höpfner, March 16, 1776, inBriefe aus dem Freundeskreise von Goethe, Herder, Höpfner und Merck,” ed. by K.

In a moment of unlimited frankness, Strauss himself indeed adds: "Merck was always in my thoughts, calling out, 'Don't produce such child's play again; others can do that too!" That was the voice of the real Straussian genius, which also asked him what the worth of his newest, innocent, and lightly equipped modern Philistine's testament was. Others can do that too! And many could do it better.

The gay Dowager Duchess, Wieland's firm friend, looked upon these juvenile freaks with a more lenient eye; for she well knew that the fermentation once over, a noble, generous wine would remain. "We are playing the devil here," writes Goethe to Merck; "we hold together, the Duke and I, and go our own way.

Louise von Ziegler, known in the Darmstadt circle as Lila, whom Merck admired and, according to Caroline Flaschsland, “almost compared with Yorick’s Maria,” was so sentimental that she had her grave made in her garden, evidently for purposes of contemplation, and she led a lamb about which ate and drank with her. Upon the death of this animal, “a

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