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When they entered the fight at Melle in October, 1914, our corps worked with one of their doctors, and came to know him. Later he took charge of a dressing station near St. George. Here one day the Germans made a sudden sortie, drove back the Fusiliers for a few minutes, and killed the Red Cross roomful, bayoneting the wounded men.

In another minute, with a great clatter of hoofs, we sprang clear of the hamlet, and were well on the road to Melle, with Poitiers some thirteen leagues before us. I looked back, and thought I discerned lights moving in the direction of the chateau; but the dawn was still two hours off, and the moonlight left me in doubt whether these were real or the creatures of my own fearful fancy.

She would possess him in her mind if in no other way. "Billy do you remember that day at Melle, when John lost me? Did you tell him I was going back with you?" "No. I didn't." Then he had left her. And he had lied to both of them. "Was the boy dead or alive when he left him?" "He was alive all right. We could have saved him." He had died he had died of fright, then. "You said he was dead."

That afternoon the battle began to sweep round from Quatrecht to Melle; and on our third journey out a rumour reached us at the barrier where the sentry stood guard. It was one of those preposterous rumours that run before disaster and are started God knows how when a retreat begins.

Indigenous civilizations arose on the west coast in Yoruba and Benin, and contact of these with the Mediterranean race in the desert, and with Egyptian and Arab from the east, gave rise to centers of Negro culture in the Sudan at Ghana and Melle and in Songhay, Nupe, the Hausa states, and Bornu.

The taking of Melle would be a sign to us that the game was up. For three days Jimmy operated joyously in the village and over the leagues of turnip-fields that lay outside it.

Out of them in days without date flowed the beginnings of Egypt; among them rose, later, centers of culture at Ghana, Melle, and Timbuktu. Kingdoms and empires flourished in Songhay and Zymbabwe, and art and industry in Yoruba and Benin.

The young blond barmaid of the Quatrecht Inn told us on October 4 that a German captain came and cried like a baby in the taproom on the evening of September 7, after he had laid waste Quatrecht and Melle. To her fanciful, untrained mind he was thinking of his own wife and children. So, at least, she thought as she watched him, after serving him in his thirst.

Before I know where we are, so to speak, we have left London, and are at Lisbon. On the voyage Captain G. WILLIAMS suggests these lines, to which I append my own translation. Here is the Captain's reminiscence, and my translation when he isn't looking: "Ille terrarum mihi præter omnes Angulus ridet, ubi non Hymetto Melle decedunt, viridique certat Bacca Venafro.

Dear friends, think of us sometimes, and let us hope to meet again in happier days." "At Trompyngtoun, nat fer fra Cantebrigg, Ther goth a brook, and over that a brigge, Upon the whiche brook then stant a melle; And this is verray sothe that I you telle." Chaucer, The Reeve's Tale. There is little which admits of external record in Julian's life at this period of his university career.