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Updated: August 22, 2024

And "before I would deny my God and his Evangel," these are George's own words, "I would rather kneel down here before your Majesty, and have my head struck off," hitting his hind-head, or neck, with the edge of his hand, by way of accompaniment; a strange radiance in the eyes of him, voice risen into musical alt: "Ehe Ich wolte meinen Gott und sein Evangelium verlaugnen, ehe wolte Ich hier vor Eurer Majestat niderknien, und mir den Kopf abhauen lassen."

Then in a small, feeble voice he said: "Wass meinen Sie, gnädige Frau?" "Dear, dear Franz," Madame von Marwitz murmured, pressing his hands with maternal solicitude, and thus giving him more time to adjust himself to his situation. "It is not as strange as your humility finds it. And it is now inevitable. You do not I think realize the position in which you and Karen are placed.

'Aus dieser erde quellen meine freuden, und ihre sonne scheinet meinen leiden. I have neither eyes nor ears nor heart nor mind for anything of an opposite description, and the stagnant felicity of the absolute's own perfection moves me as little as I move it.

I took long journeys and underwent great privations; I had dreamed of him in my sleep, and here suddenly I had him in my fingers for myself! "'So halt' ich's endlich denn in meinen Handen, Und nenn' es in gewissem Sinne mein." He gave to the last word the emphasis of a suddenly lowered voice, and withdrew his eyes slowly from my face.

Nominative Mein gutER Freund, my good friend. Genitives MeinES GutEN FreundES, of my good friend. Dative MeinEM gutEN Freund, to my good friend. Accusative MeinEN gutEN Freund, my good friend. N. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends. G. MeinER gutEN FreundE, of my good friends. D. MeinEN gutEN FreundEN, to my good friends. A. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends.

His first letter to her overflows with nonsense and meaningless rhymes, puns, and quibbles, such as: "Ich hoffe, Sie werden auch meinen Brief trief, welchen ich Ihnen aus Mannheim geschrieben erhalten haben schaben. Desto besser, besser desto!" Lady Wallace has made a translation which reproduces well the nonsense if not literally the sense.

Could I have hazarded such a Germanism as the use of the word afterworld for posterity, "Es spreche Welt und Nachwelt meinen Namen" might have been rendered with more literal fidelity: Let world and afterworld speak out my name, etc. I have not ventured to affront the fastidious delicacy of our age with a literal translation of this line, werth Die Eingeweide schaudernd aufzuregen.

In the mean time I had picked out a cabdriver, a stupid-looking, conservative-appearing old fellow, and engaged him to drive "mich und meinen freund nach Juterbock." So we entered the cab, an open one-horse affair, and started for that town.

Baron Muckicza and I bowed to the red-faced damsels, with the German phrase, "Darf ich Ihnen meinen Arm bieten, mein Fräulein," to which they answered in classic Slavonian, "Gyekujem peknye mladi-pan," which means, "Thank you very much, young master." Then we went, per pedes apostolorum, to the shooting-box, Father Paphuntius, of course, accompanying us, to feast at the wedding banquet.

"Ich will einst, bei ja und nein Vor dem Zapfen sterben Alles, meinen Wein nur nicht Lass' Ich frohen erben."

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