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Time has but confirmed the opinion, which I then began to hold, that, of all mistaken usages in a church service, the most unfortunate is this demand which confronts a man who would gladly unite with Christians in Christian work, and, in a spirit of loyalty to the Blessed Founder of Christianity, would cheerfully become a member of the church and receive the benefit of its ministrations; the demand that such a man stand and deliver a creed made no one knows where or by whom, and of which no human being can adjust the meanings to modern knowledge, or indeed to human comprehension.

Their half comprehended words had however decided him in the part he should take, making him sure that Colet was not controverting the formularies of the Church, but drawing out those meanings which in repetition by rote were well-nigh forgotten. It was as if his course were made clear to him.

But she had no choice, poor thing; for it was that or nothing with her. Faith, who had secret doubts about the absolute necessity of Ethelberta's appearance in public, said, with remote meanings, 'Perhaps it is not altogether a severe punishment to her to be looked at by well-dressed men. Suppose she feels it as a blessing, instead of an affliction?

It seems to me that in him we see for the first time spiritual and ideal meanings and values in democracy and the modern; we see them translated into character; we see them tried by universal standards; we see them vivified by a powerful imagination. We see America as an idea, and see its relation to other ideas. We get a new conception of the value of the near, the common, the familiar.

And as they lingered over the satisfactory dinner he had ordered, they talked of acting of the different roles of "Cavalleria" as types of fundamental instincts and actions of how best to express those meanings how to fill out the skeletons of the dramatist into personalities actual and vivid. Susan forgot where she was, forgot to be reserved with him.

There must be meanings to that effect in the Mythology, awaiting unravelment.

Had he been angry, had he been a man, how much humiliation he would have spared her! "So you're in love!" he said. "I might have known that something was at the bottom of this." She took account of and quivered at the many meanings behind his speech meanings which he was too cowardly to voice in words.

It is just here that the Socialist has a great advantage, for his theme is the most serious and tremendous that ever occupied the mind of man. The close of a lecture is called the peroration the word oration prefixed by the Latin preposition "per." "Per" has several meanings, one of them being "to the utmost extent" as in peroxide a substance oxidized to the utmost degree.

Luc; "but I fear I am too old, Hortense, to measure women except by the fathom, which is the measure of a man." "And the measure of a man is the measure of an angel too scriptum est, Chevalier!" replied she. Hortense had ten merry meanings in her eye, and looked as if bidding him select which he chose.

Undesigned equivocation prevails every where; and it is not the cavilling hair splitter, but, on the contrary, the single-eyed servant of truth, that is most likely to insist upon the limitation of expressions too wide or too vague, and upon the decisive election between meanings potentially double.