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Updated: August 23, 2024

High and bluff the English cog; long, black and swift the pirate galleys, like two fierce lean wolves which have seen a lordly and unsuspecting stag walk past their forest lair. "Shall we turn, my fair lord, or shall we carry on?" asked the master-shipman, looking behind him with anxious eyes. "Nay, we must carry on and play the part of the helpless merchant." "But your pennons?

"You say well, master-shipman," said he. "It does appear to be a rocky and perilous spot." "Nay, it is the rocky hearts of those who dwell upon it that I had in my mind," the old sailor answered. "We are well safe in three goodly vessels, but had we been here in a small craft I make no doubt that they would have already had their boats out against us."

These also seem very worthy ships which are drawing up to us, and I pray you, master-shipman, that you will have a tilt with the nearest." A great carack was within a bowshot of them and crossing their bows. Bunce looked up at his mast, and he saw that already it was shaken and drooping. Another blow and it would be over the side and his ship a helpless log upon the water.

"I would fain have a tilt with her. I pray you to hold us straight that we may bear her down." "If I hold her straight, then one or other must sink, and it may be both," the seaman answered. "I doubt not that with the help of our Lady we shall do our part," said the King. "Hold her straight, master-shipman, as I have told you."

I am in the keeping of James of Compostella, to whose shrine I shall make pilgrimage, and in whose honor I vow that I will eat a carp each year upon his feast-day. Mon Dieu, but the waves roar! How is it with us now, master-shipman?" "We draw! We draw!" cried Hawtayne, with his eyes still fixed upon the foam which hissed under the very bulge of the side. "Ah, Holy Mother, be with us now!"

Two others, flying together, tore a great gap in the St. Christopher upon the sail, and brushed three of Sir Oliver's men-at-arms from the forecastle. The master-shipman looked at the knight with a troubled face. "They keep their distance from us," said he. "Our archery is over-good, and they will not close. What defence can we make against the stones?"

"Where my master goes I go also," cried Aylward, "so stand clear, master-shipman, or you may come by a hurt." "By Saint Leonard! archer," said Cock Badding, "had I more time I would give you a lesson ere I leave land. Stand back and give place to others!" "Nay, stand back and give place to me!" cried Aylward, and seizing Badding round the waist he slung him into the dock.

And yet Goodwin Hawtayne is not the man to stand back when his fellows are for pressing forward. By my soul! be it sink or swim, I shall turn her beak into Freshwater Bay, and if good Master Witherton, of Southampton, like not my handling of his ship then he may find another master-shipman."

Behind the hogshead, on a half circle of kegs, boxes, and rude settles, sat Aylward, John, Black Simon and three or four other leading men of the archers, together with Goodwin Hawtayne, the master-shipman, who had left his yellow cog in the river to have a last rouse with his friends of the Company.

"God help me, I can no more!" said he. Badding seized the oar from his hand; but it was only to sweep the boat's head round and pull her back to the Marie Rose. The attack had failed. "What now, master-shipman?" cried Nigel. "What has befallen to stop us? Surely the matter does not end here?" "Two down out of five," said Badding, "and twelve at the least against us.

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