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Some anger there was particularly in the heart of the Lord of Bellecour but greater than their anger was their excitement at the prospect of a man-hunt, with which the chase on which they had been originally bent made but a poor comparison. "There he is, Monseigneur" cried Jean, as he pointed to La Boulaye. "And yonder are the girl and her husband." "Ah!

Let's follow the Spaniard! And then the chase commenced, down the boulevards, across the squares, through the streets, the three drivers cracking their whips and urging their horses on. This man-hunt began to get exciting. It recalled to my mind the romances in the Petit Journal. Finally, in a little street, belonging to the Temple Quarter, the first cab stopped." "The Spaniard?" "Yes.

Then was organized the most stupendous man-hunt that ever took place in the South. Horsemen hurried at full speed along every road, and proclaimed the news as they went. Each planter, with his dependents, for at least fifty miles in every direction, took his bloodhounds and scoured the woods. Every cross-road, every river, ford, or ferry, was at once picketed by bodies of cavalry.

Just to make sure of safety after Pushkareff's losses of ten men on this island, Drusenin exchanges a letter or two with the commanders of those other three Russian vessels. Then he laid his plans for the winter's hunt. But so did the Aleut Indians; and their plans were for a man-hunt of every Russian within the limits of Oonalaska.

Your only excuse for doing what you have done is the the foul instinct of the man-hunt. The " "The criminal-hunt," he corrected her, trying not to writhe under her hot contempt. "The enemy-to-man hunt, if you like. Your half-brother " "My brother is not a criminal!" she cried, furiously. "You have no right to say so. He has committed no crime. He has broken no law."

Clyde was telling us of a raid on a ranch about seventy-five miles away, in which the thieves had driven off thirty head of fine horses. There were only two of the thieves, and the sheriff with a large posse was pursuing them and forcing every man they came across into the chase, and a regular man-hunt was on.

"Comes as natural as breathin' to him. We trailed a hoss to this here wickiup" the hot lust of the man-hunt was in the cowboy's eyes as he swung down "and we aim to see who was ridin' him!" Houck and his three companions sat their horses as the fourth member of the posse shouldered the old Indian aside and entered the shack.

Perhaps I'd better say no incriminating questions will be asked of those giving us information." Stirred to activity by the promise of such large rewards, not only the sheriff's office and the police, but also private parties scoured the neighboring country for traces of the missing man or his captors. Every available horse in town was called into service for the man-hunt.

He should not forget the time when he arrested Mr. John Barnes, two years ago, for the murder of Mr. Grover, and afterward found that the young gent was merely eloping with Judge Brewster's daughter, which was no crime. We saw the girl. Those of our readers who were alive at the time doubtless recall the excitement of that man-hunt two years ago. Mr.

He must marry: that admitted of no doubt. In the glow of his own hearth he must begin a new and more tonic life. Marry? But whom? A worn out heart can no longer be made to beat more swiftly at the sight of some slim maiden. The senses might yet be stirred, but that is all. Was he to haunt watering-places and pay court to mothers on the man-hunt in order to find favour in their daughters' eyes?