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Having thus jumpt in our Opinions, and perfectly satisfied our selves with Demonstration, That these Worlds were Sisters, both in Form, Function, and all their Capacities; in short, a pair of Moons, and a pair of Worlds, equally Magnetical, Sympathetical, and Influential, we set up our rest as to that Affair, and went forward.

Our game-bag was thinly lined with small curlews, oyster-catchers, and sanderlings. A sandy spit connects Magnetical Island on the south side with the main, and must be sufficiently shoal at low water to allow the natives to ford over; for we found no canoes with those we met on the island, who were numerous and apparently very well disposed.

Now even as the Sun, the great Light of Heaven, hath a peculiar community and sympathy with the small terrestrial fire to attract unto it, after a Magnetical manner; So also the Sun and Gold have a peculiar understanding, and an attractive power and sympathy together; for the Sun hath wrought the Gold by the three Principles, which have their Magnets, being nearest related to the Sun, and hath gained the next degree to it, for that the three Principles are found to be most mighty and powerful therein, Gold immediately succeeds it in its corporal Form, being composed of the three principles, and hath its beginning and off-spring from the Celestial and Golden Magnet.

But few of them having understood the terms and mysterious doctrines of their foreign master, every new adept exerted himself to excel his fellow-labourers, in additional explanations and inventions: others, who did not possess, or could not spare the sum of one hundred louis, were industriously employed in attempts to discover the secret, by their own ingenuity; and thus arose a great variety of magnetical sects.

Messmer, at length perceived that in his native country, he should never be able to reach the point which he had fixed upon, as the termination of his magnetical career. The Germans began to discredit his pompous claims; but it was only after repeated failures in some promised cures, that he found himself under the necessity of seeking protection in Paris.

During the day we were busily engaged in the survey of the harbor, and in making astronomical and magnetical observations on the beach, while some of the officers were employed purchasing curiosities, on shore, at the town, and alongside the ship. These consisted of krises, spears, shields, and shells; and the Sulus were not slow in comprehending the kind of articles we were in search of.

Entering Cleveland Bay, the compass was again very much disturbed; the cause was found to be Magnetical, now Magnetic, Island, lying just off the present Port of Townsville. Blacks were seen, near Rockingham Bay, through the glasses; they were said to be very dark and destitute of clothing, but no communication with them was possible.

Thus, 'blue is not yellow, is of identity. 'Two triangles upon equal bases between two parallels are equal, is of relation. 'Iron is susceptible of magnetical impressions, is of co-existence. 'God is, is of real existence.

There was a magnetical sympathy between me and my patron, so that their effect was not sooner produced upon him, than my own mind reproached me with the inhumanity of the allusion. Our confusion was mutual. The blood forsook at once the transparent complexion of Mr. Falkland, and then rushed back again with rapidity and fierceness.

Between this Cape and Magnetical Isle the shore forms a large bay, which I called Halifax Bay: Before it lay the group of islands which has been just mentioned, and some others, at a less distance from the shore. By these islands the Bay is sheltered from all winds, and it affords good anchorage.