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At intervals the condition of the hard-pressed band was made worse by the heartless desertion of some of its members, who more than once departed with the Doctor's personal kit, changes of clothes, linen, &c. With more or less misfortunes constantly dogging his footsteps, he traversed in safety the countries of the Babisa, Bobemba, Barungu, Ba-ulungu, and Lunda.

His teeth alone indicate the weakness of age; the hard fare of Lunda has made havoc in their lines. His form, which soon assumed a stoutish appearance, is a little over the ordinary height with the slightest possible bow in the shoulders. When walking he has a firm but heavy tread, like that of an overworked or fatigued man.

The day before that on which the picnic was to take place a mysterious communication passed between the young Laird of Lunda and Yaspard Adiesen, the effect of which was to set our Viking into a fit of the fidgets combined with a state of exhilaration of spirit that threatened to effervesce in a dangerous manner at any moment.

The people of Cazembe are Balonda or Baloi, and his country has been termed Londa, Lunda, or Lui, by the Portuguese. It was always difficult to get our guides to move away from a place. With the authority of the chief, they felt as comfortable as king's messengers could, and were not disposed to forego the pleasure of living at free quarters.

Villages are very thickly studded over the valley formed by Kakoma range, and another at a greater distance on our right; 100 or 200 yards is a common distance between these villages, which, like those in Londa, or Lunda, are all shaded with trees of a species of Ficus indica.

"All!" exclaimed the girl; "you won't say a letter is a little 'all' when you hear what it did. The mailbag came across this afternoon when we were sitting at the Teng, never thinking! and uncle got a letter from the young Laird of Lunda which made him furious. You know what happens when Uncle Brüs is angry." "I know. I'm glad it does not happen often, poor old man! Well, what next?"

You and your boat may find employment in conveying the Laird of Lunda to his own island. I have nothing further to say to you, except to warn you not to make raids upon me again." "Thank you, sir," said the Mitchell brothers; and Tom added, "It is more than good of you to let us off so easy; all the same, I wish we had Fred's sealkie for him. But thank you, Mr.

We were so thankful, Adiesen, to learn that the child was safe. One of our boats found the Osprey at Havnholme, and brought the news and the boat to Lunda." Then Mr.

Then Yaspard went down to supper, and while demolishing his porridge he said, "Will you make me up a bit of ferdimet, auntie? I am going off early to-morrow to fish. "I suppose the Harrisons go with you?" said Aunt Osla. "Don't forget about your uncle's message to Lunda." "No, I won't forget." "You could run across to the post-office before going to fish, and get it over," she added.

The Harrisons burst out laughing at the ludicrous spectacle of four lads rubbing their eyes, scratching their heads, shaking themselves straight in their clothes, and looking as if there never had been half an idea in one of their minds. But Yaspard shouted in grandiloquent style "You, lads of Lunda there, listen! We are Vikinger in search of glory and spoil, and all the rest of it.