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Updated: August 25, 2024

I loos'd my hold: 'twas Matt. Soames. "Your pardon," whisper'd I; "but why have you left your post?" "Black Sampson is watchin', so I took the freedom ugh! my poor windpipe! to " He broke off to catch me by the sleeve and pull me down behind the bush. About twelve paces ahead I heard a door softly open'd and saw a shaft of light flung across the path between the glist'ning laurels.

And they themselves once ferried o'er the wave That parts us, are emancipate and loos'd. Spread it, then, And let it circulate through every vein Of all your empire that where Britain's power Is felt, mankind may feel her mercy too. Second class of forerunners and coadjutors, up to May 1787, consists of the Quakers in England. Of George Fox and others.

Know, that the Soul loos'd by Sleep, has the Power to call about it all the Images which it would employ, can raise imaginary Structures, form Seas, Lands, Fowls, Beasts, or whatever the rational Faculty is intent upon. You shall now take some Refreshment, and after that we will both divert and instruct you."

A certain aim he took At a fair vestal, throned by the West, And loos'd his love-shaft smartly from his bow, As it should pierce a hundred thousand hearts; But I might see young cupid's fiery shaft Quench'd in the chaste beams of the watery moon, And the imperial votaress passed on, In maiden meditation, fancy-free.

"You need, said he, apprehend nothing from these Shades; they are the Souls of the Inhabitants of your World, which being loos'd from the Body by Sleep, resort here, and for the short Space allotted them, indulge the Passions which predominate, or undergo the Misfortunes they fear while they are in your Globe.

In these moods, this contemporary of Dryden and Congreve gives us such accurate transcripts of country life as the following: When the loos'd horse now, as his pasture leads, Comes slowly grazing through the adjoining meads, Whose stealing face and lengthened shade we fear, Till torn-up forage in his teeth we hear; When nibbling sheep at large pursue their food, And unmolested kine rechew the cud: When curlews cry beneath the village-walls, And to her straggling brood the partridge calls.

At 4 a.m. saw the Land in the South-West Quarter, and a small Island bearing West; from this Time until 9 it was Calm, at which time the Ship drove very fast to the North-East by North. At 9 Sprung up a light breeze at North, loos'd all the Reefs out, and set the Steering sails.

Wind West; Course North 54 degrees 30 minutes East; distance 46 miles; latitude 39 degrees 45 minutes South, longitude 145 degrees 39 minutes West. Sunday, 3rd. The fore and Middle parts fresh gales, with hard Squalls; Latter more moderate. At 5 a.m. loos'd the Reef out of the Mainsail, and set the Topsail double reef'd, and before noon had all the Reefs out.

And they themselves once ferried o'er the wave That parts us, are emancipate and loos'd. Spread it then, And let it circulate through every vein Of all your empire that where Britain's pow'r Is felt, mankind may feel her mercy too."

Upon which the more lustful Tryphoena askt, and made me tell her, what those wanton caresses meant; she was inspired with new heat at the relation; and mindful of our old amours, offer'd to revive our former commerce; but worn off my legs with those employments, I gave her invitations but an ill return; yet she with all the desires of a woman transported by her passion, threw her arms about me, and so closely lockt me in her imbraces, I was forc'd to cry out; one of her maids came in at the noise, and easily believing I wou'd force from her the favours I had deny'd her mistress, rusht between, and loos'd the bands: Tryphoena meeting with such a repulse, and even raging with desire, took it more grievous at my hands, and with threats at her going off, flew to Lycas; not only to raise his resentments against me, but to join with him in pursuit of revenge.

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