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Updated: August 22, 2024

The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound: "A present deity!" they shout around: "A present deity!" the vaulted roofs rebound. With ravished ears The monarch hears, Assumes the god, Affects to nod, And seems to shake the spheres.

When round in throngs the list'ning people come, T'admire what sprung in Greece so slow at home Rais'd to this height, your leisure hours engage In something just and worthy of the stage; Your choice of words from Cicero derive, And in your poems you design shou'd live, The joys of feasts, and terrors of a war, More pleasing those, and these more frightful are, When told by you, than in their acting were: And thus, enrich'd with such a golden store, You're truly fit to be an orator."

One stands with low-bowed head While list'ning to their silver tongues recite The sweet tale of the Angelus there slips A white dove low across the tiling red And as we breathe a whispered, fond "Good night," A "Pax vobiscum" parts the Padre's lips. * XXIII No. 5 NOVEMBER, 1910 By GUY H. SCULL There was no use trying to avoid the fact any longer.

"Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the list'ning earth, Repeats the story of her birth: While all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole.

XI. He bad Ilyssus' tuneful stream Convey thy philosophic theme Of perfect, fair, and good: Attentive Athens caught the sound, And all her list'ning sons around In awful silence stood. XII. Reclaim'd her wild licentious youth, Confess'd the potent voice of Truth, And felt its just controul. The Passions ceas'd their loud alarms, And Virtue's soft persuasive charms O'er all their senses stole.

Evelyn, and Fleda thought best, while yet Constance's bouquet was unfinished, to join another party, and make her escape into the drawing-rooms. "Have you observed a sitting hare, List'ning, and, fearful of the storm Of horns and hounds, clap back her ear, Afraid to keep or leave her form?

One of the favourite songs which they delighted to sing on such auspicious occasions was rendered with touching pathos "Sing good-bye to Sal, and good-bye to Sue; Away Rio! And you that are list'ning, good-bye to you; For we're bound to Rio Grande! And away Rio, aye Rio! Sing fare ye well, my bonny young girl, We're bound to Rio Grande."

Sir, I am plagued every Moment in the Day one way or other in my own Chambers; and the Jezebel has the Satisfaction to know, that, tho' I am not looking at her, I am list'ning to her impertinent Dialogues that pass over my Head.

Evelyn; and Fleda thought best while yet Constance's bouquet was unfinished, to join another party and make her escape into the drawing-rooms. Have you observed a sitting hare, List'ning, and fearful of the storm Of horns and hounds, clap back her ear, Afraid to keep or leave her form? Prior.

Then truths came o'er us fast, Whilst on the mound the missionary stood And thro' the list'ning silence of the wood His words like spirits passed. And oh, hadst thou been spared, We two had gone to bless our fathers' land, To spread rich stores around, and hand in hand Each holy labor shared.

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