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And if he is found registered in the Priorista as "Filippo di Ser Brunellesco Lippi," no one need marvel, seeing that he was called thus after his grandfather Lippo, and not "de' Lapi," as he should have been; which method is seen from the said Priorista to have been used in innumerable other cases, as is well known to all who have seen it or who know the custom of those times.

"When we want to do something with our clothes, we always have to ask mother," he began again. But Mäzli did not answer and only pulled out a bunch of woolen stockings and a heavy winter cloak, spreading everything on the floor. "No, I won't do it," said Lippo again, after scrutinizing the unusual performance.

He was never far from a girl's arms; and then how he has painted them, shy, roguish, wanton daughters of Florence, with their laughing, obstinate, kicking babies, half laughing, half smiling, altogether serious too, while Lippo paints them with a kiss for payment. He spent some months in Prato with his friend Fra Diamante, who had been his companion in novitiate.

"Then we shall have sung two songs to-morrow, but none to-day," Lippo began in a complaining voice, holding on to the piano and pulling his uncle towards him. "Nothing can be done, we have to do it," Uncle Philip said with resignation, for he knew the obstinacy of his godson in regard to all customs.

Once his mother had noticed this, so she told Lippo one evening, not to say this again. As it was impossible to keep Leonore, it was much better not to speak of it, as it only gave her pain. As this was a firm command, Lippo obeyed faithfully. He kept on, however, showing Leonore that he loved to be with her.

She informed the Rector's widow that she had come to her with a quite incredible communication. Mrs. Maxa found it necessary at this point to interrupt her friend. She had noticed that Mäzli was all ears to what was coming. "Mäzli, go and play with Lippo till I come," she said. "Please tell me all about it afterwards, Apollonie," was Mäzli's instruction before going to do as she was bid.

"It was just as necessary to hear Bruno's question," the sister said. "I knew that Lippo was in good hands. I thought naturally that you would be able to say the right word to him. You know yourself how he respects you." "Oh, yes, that is right," Uncle Philip admitted.

It is a little picture to steal. Nothing to steal here. Returning through Sala Prima we come to the Sala del Perugino and are among the masters once more riper and richer than most of those we have already seen, for Tuscan art here reaches its finest flower. Perugino is here and Botticelli, Fra Bartolommeo and Leonardo, Luca Signorelli, Fra Lippo Lippi and Filippino Lippi. And here is a Masaccio.

The little boy had made attempts to reach his mother for several minutes, and he was delighted at his brother's quick departure. "Mr. Rector sends you his regards and he wants to know if you wanted to give him an answer. Here is a letter," said Lippo. "Where did you bring the letter from?" asked the mother. "I didn't bring the letter. Lise from the rectory brought it," was Lippo's information.

Mea, Kurt and Lippo were hunting everywhere for their mother, for they had not the faintest idea where she had gone. When Uncle Philip came back, he called them together and told them where their mother was and what she wished them to know through him. As she had brought a sick child with her, she could have no intercourse with the children for two or three days.