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Updated: August 22, 2024

But you cannot desire that I, your generalissimo, should be the subject of a wife who shamefully treads under foot her first and holiest duty! The honor of you all is wounded in mine. Come, follow me now. I will show you Count Lynar in the arms of his mistress, the Regent Anna Leopoldowna!" The prince strode forth, cautiously followed by his generals.

"But those parents certainly hate me, and indeed very naturally, as they, it seems, were, next to me, designated as the guardians of their son Ivan. The Duchess Anna Leopoldowna of Brunswick is ambitious." "Bah! for the present she is in love," exclaimed Munnich, with a laugh, "and women, when in love, think of nothing but their love. But only look, your highness, did I not prophesy correctly?

Deceived in their expectations, vexed at this frustration of their plans, they had both come to the determination to overthrow the man who was unwilling to advance them; they had become Biron's enemies because he did not show himself their friend, and, openly devoted to him and bowing in the dust before him, they had secretly repaired to his bitterest enemy, the Duchess Anna Leopoldowna, to offer her their services against the haughty regent who swayed the iron sceptre of his despotic power over Russia.

A most active movement prevailed in the palace of the regent. The lord-marshal and the chamberlains on service passed up and down through the rooms, overlooking with sharp eyes the various ornaments, festoons, garlands, and draperies, to make sure that all was splendid, and tasteful, and magnificent. Anna Leopoldowna troubled herself very little about these busy movements in her palace.

Entice her with flatteries into our net, induce her to follow you voluntarily, that the people of no country in which she may be may have an occasion to accuse us of using force. Thus did Catharine speak to her favorite; he understood her and swore to execute her commands, as he did when Catharine ordered him to throttle her husband, the Emperor Peter; as he also did when she ordered him to shoot poor Ivan, the son of Anna Leopoldowna, for the criminal reason that he had a greater right to the imperial crown of Russia than this little German princess of Zerbst!"

Have you confidence in me full, unlimited confidence? Will you never mistake, never doubt me?" "Never!" said Anna Leopoldowna, confidently. "And if all the world should tell me that Julia von Mengden is a traitress, I would nevertheless firmly rely upon you, and reply to the whole world: 'That is false! Julia von Mengden is true and pure as gold. I shall always love her."

A decisive conversation was this day to be held with the duchess and her husband, Prince Ulrich of Brunswick, and therefore, an unheard-of case, had even Count Ostermann resolved to leave his dusty room for some hours and repair to the palace of the Duchess Anna Leopoldowna. "Slowly, slowly, ye knaves," groaned Ostermann, as he ascended the narrow winding stairs with the aid of his servants.

"The question is of your head, princess, and as a true physician I would help you to preserve it. Therefore, dearest princess, I beseech you, repeat to me that conversation with the regent." "Will you then immediately give me a recipe for my eyes?" "Yes, I will." "Well, listen, then." And the princess repeated, word for word, to the breathless Lestocq, her conversation with Anna Leopoldowna.

Lestocq, her physician and confidant, with a solemn countenance, took a place opposite her. "We are ready to hear your bad news," said the princess. "The regent, Anna Leopoldowna, will have herself crowned as empress," laconically responded Lestocq. Elizabeth looked at him interrogatively and with curiosity for the continuation of his bad news.

Petersburg in honor of the new regent, while they were at the same time trying the old one and condemning him to death. But Anna Leopoldowna mitigated his punishment what a mitigation! by changing the sentence of death into that of perpetual banishment to Siberia! Tranquillity was again established in Russia.

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