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Oh, profanation!" from all Madrid." Happily, Duclos is merely in this the servile copyist of a Spanish author, whose contradictions and bad feeling it would be very easy to expose. He has reproduced word for word the version to be found in the Mémoires sur l'Espagne, printed as a sequel to the letters of Fitz-Maurice.

Thus, after the recital of the combat undertaken in behalf of Adrienne by her defender a recital which she concluded in paraphrasing these two lines: 'Paraissez, Navarrois, Maures et Castilians, Et tout ce que l'Espagne a produit de vaillants,

SPECIAL STUDIES OF SOCIAL CONDITIONS IN OTHER COUNTRIES. For Scotland: H. G. Graham, Social Life in Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, 2 vols. . For Hungary: Henry Marczali, Hungary in the Eighteenth Century . For Russia: James Mavor, An Economic History of Russia, Vol. For Spain: Georges Desdevises du Dezert, L'Espagne de l'ancien regime, 3 vols.

As to the affairs of Spain, they will be a mine of wealth to the new press L'Espagne Pittoresque will sell thousands more copies than Spain Constitutionalized; and let us trust that Sir George Hayter will instantly "walk his chalks," and secure us the Cortes in black and white.

Memoire de M. Turgot, a l'occasion du Memoire remis par M. le Compte de Vergennes sur la maniere dont la France at l'Espagne doivent envisager les suites de la querelle entre la Grande Bretagne et ses Colonies. In "Politique de tous les Cabinets de l'Europe pendant les Regnes to Louis XV. et de Louis XVI." Par L.P. Segue l'aine. Congress issued a cautionary declaration in reply.

There is also a particular description of the quicksilver mine at Almaden, in La Mancha. Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de l'Espagne. Par La Borde. Paris, 4 vols. fol. Itinéraire Descriptif de l'Espagne. Par La Borde. Paris, 1809. 5 vols. 8vo. Lettres sur l'Espagne, ou Essais sur les Moeurs, les Usages, et la Litérature de ce Royaume. Par Beauharnois. Paris, 1810. 2 vols. 8vo.

In the first place, he had just completed the destruction of the Jesuits, and this was entitling him to no small thanks and praises from encyclopedists. Every one knows those two lines of Voltaire's "Aranda dans l'Espagne instruisant les fideles, A l'inquisition vient de rogner les ailes." *

All qualities that should make a good translator of such a Chronicle as this were joined in Robert Southey. As for the true Cid, let us not ask whether he was ever as M. Dozy, in his excellent Recherches sur l'Histoire Politique et Litteraire de l'Espagne pendant le Moyen Age, says that he could be treacherous and cruel.

«Le torrent qui porte le nom de Gave de Pau parcourt depuis sa source près des limites de l'Espagne, jusqu'

Thus, after the recital of the combat undertaken in behalf of Adrienne by her defender a recital which she concluded in paraphrasing these two lines: 'Paraissez, Navarrois, Maures et Castilians, Et tout ce que l'Espagne a produit de vaillants,