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"Fahrt wohl, ihr Strassen grad and krumm Ich zieh' nicht mehr in euch herum, Durchton euch nicht mehr mit Gesang, Mit Larm nicht mehr and Sporenklang." As the deep tones died away, the soft night was steeped in the sadness of that farewell song. It was Richter who brought the full force of it home to Stephen. "Do you recall the day you left your Harvard, and your Boston, my friend?" he asked.

"He is not capable of such a thing," she says, with a grand air. "But he did it," I point out. "What is more, he glories in it. What did he say when I remonstrated with him on the way home! 'Why, says he, 'I will put an end to Krumm! I will abolish Krumm! I will extinguish Krumm! Now, madame, who is responsible for this?

He might by chance have told the truth, and confessed that all the wicked things he had been saying about woman's affection were only a sort of rhetoric, and that he had no sort of intention to flirt with poor Franziska, nor yet to extinguish and annihilate Dr. Krumm. The heartbroken boy was in very good spirits at dinner. He was inclined to wink.

Don't be frightened; it's only about a fox the fox that was brought home the day before yesterday; Dr. Krumm shot that." "Indeed," says Franziska, quite innocently, "I thought you shot it." "Well, I let them imagine so. It was only a joke." "But it is of no matter; there are many yellow foxes. Dr. Krumm can shoot them at another time; he is always here. Perhaps you will shoot one before you go."

Well, the incidents of the forenoon's shooting, picturesque as they were, and full of novelty to Tita's protege, need not be described. At the end of the fourth drive, when we had got on nearly to luncheon-time, it appeared that Charlie had killed a handsome buck, and he was so pleased with this performance that he grew friendly with Dr. Krumm, who had, indeed, given him the haupt-stelle.

Krumm, being at the next station, was the first to arrive. He found Charlie standing by the side of the slain fox. "Ha!" he said, his spectacles fairly gleaming with delight, "you have shotted him! You have killed him! That is very good that is excellent! Now you will present the skin to Miss Franziska, if you do not wish to take it to England." "Oh no!" said Charlie, with a lordly indifference.

There was no particular reason why Dr. Krumm should marry Franziska Fahler, except that he was the most important young man in Huferschingen, and she was the most important young woman. People therefore thought they would make a good match, although Franziska certainly had the most to give in the way of good looks. Dr.

"I don't care about it. Franziska may have it." Charlie pulled me aside, and said, with a solemn wink: "Can you keep a secret?" "My wife and I can keep a secret. I am not allowed to have any for myself." "Listen," said the unabashed young man; "Krumm shot that fox. Mind you don't say a word. I must have the skin to present to Franziska."

"I will go and tell her, certainly; but as for apologising to Krumm, that is absurd!" "As you please," says Tita. By-and-by Franziska or rather Miss Fahler came out of the small garden and round by the front of the house. "O Miss Fahler," says Charlie, suddenly, and with that she stops and blushes slightly, "I've got something to say to you. I am going to make a confession.

He began to say disrespectful things of Krumm: he thought Krumm a plain person. And then, when the bandy-legged doctor had got all the dogs, keepers, and beaters together, we set off along the road, and presently plunged into the cool shade of the forest, where the thick moss suddenly silenced our footsteps, and where there was a moist and resinous smell in the air.