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I'll bet anything yeou want to bet, and I don't keer a hang haow much it is! Yeou jest name the amount, and I'll kivver it!" He smashed his fist down on a billiard table as he made this announcement. "Why, you're a real sport!" chuckled Silence. "You're a reckless chap, aren't you! If I should say a hundred dollars, you'd wilt in your boots." Ephraim's blood was boiling now.

"Now, Mandy, yer know ther scripter reads thet Canyon was the son er Ham an wus cussed bekase his daddy laffed at ole Noey, bekase when he layed down ter sleep he didn't pull the kivver on his self proper like. When de ole man woke up the tother boys tole him what Ham hed done, he cussed Canyon Ham's son, and sed sarvant of sarvants shill he be.

"Now, whut'd you do if a man was to kivver you like I'm a-doin' now?" demanded his mother. "G-g-g-Gawd, Maw, I dunno! I think I'd j-j-j-jump off in the river," confessed the boy. "Shore you would, and good luck if you'd git plumb drownded, you white-livered son of misery.

So dey useter jes take uncle George Bull and beat him fur nothin; dey would beat him and take him to de lake and put him on a log and shev him in de lake, but he always swimmed out. When dey didn' do dat dey would beat him tel de blood run outen him and den trow him in de ditch in de field and kivver him up wid dirt, head and years and den stick a stick up at his haid.

I ain't mo'n kivver my head wid dat blanket en shot my eyes, 'fo' I year somebody a-callin' un me. Fus' hit soun' way off yander. "'Mingo! oh, Mingo! en den hit got nigher 'Mingo! oh, Mingo! "I ain't 'spon' ter dat, but I lay dar, I did, en I say ter myse'f "'Bless gracious! de man on t'er side done come, but how in de name er goodness is he know Mingo?

His right hand rested on his thigh, and his eyes were intently fixed on the distant picket-post. "A rebel scout," whispered Si. "Shall we knock him over, and then order him to surrender, or halt him first, and then shoot?" "He can't git away," said Shorty. "I have him kivered. You kivver his hoss's head. Then call him down."