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Yess, that's so, we pass right by it on ow way to Rosemont" and they did, to the sweet satisfaction of the Misses Kinsington, who were resolved no railroad should come to Suez if they could prevent it. At Rosemont Mr. Dinwiddie Pettigrew told each Northerner, as soon as he could get him from Mrs.

Where do you spend your spare time?" "On Traity Island," replied Mike with a grin. "I doesn't like Kinsington afther dark. They say it has ghosts, sur." "But only the ghosts of they killed as they crossed from Treaty Island." "Sure enough! But I've lost belafe in ghosts since they have become so common.

"Oh! it's nothin'," said the elder of the two lads we first noticed, "only a couple of unfortinate gals who've prigged a watch from a cove what was lushy and fell asleep under the trees between this and Kinsington."

There were spots of tarnish on his heavy gilding; not merely the elder Miss Kinsington, but Martha Salter as well, had refused to say good-by to Mademoiselle Eglantine on the eve of her final return to France; Fanny Ravenel had, with cutting playfulness, asked Mrs.

Everybody belaves in thim in Kinsington, and I prefer to be exclusive and sciptical, yer honor." "Didn't you tell me yesterday that you believed in spirits going and coming and hoping and waiting, and it gave you great comfort?" "Did I, sur? I forgit it inthirely. It must have been a bad day for my vartigo."

"That there's him," he said, jerking his thumb to the farthest tub; "follered me all the way 'ome from Kinsington Gardens, he did. Kim out, will yer?" And out of the tub there crawled slowly, with a snuffling whimper and a rattling of its chain, the identical dog I had slain a few evenings before!

Its principal, Miss Kinsington, with her sister, belonged to one of Dixie's best and most unfortunate families. "You don't bow down to Mrs. Grundy," something prompted Ravenel to say, as he and Fannie came slowly back from a gallop in the hills. "Yes, I do. I only love to tease her now and then. I go to the races, play cards, waltz, talk slang, and read novels.

Nor did her memory ever lose the picture of her father, as he came alone to see her the next day after her entrance into the academy, standing before the Misses Kinsington who were as good as they were thin, and as sweet as they were aristocratic winning their impetuous approval with the confession that the atmosphere of a male college even though it was Rosemont was not good for a young girl.

After they entered the boat they spoke nothing at all, at all, for siveral minutes. It was all I could do wid the strong tide to keep the boat pinted for Kinsington, and I only noticed that Mr. Rainey comminced the conversation in a low tone of voice.

She makes for the vestry, in a vague hope that she can clear the door and close it behind her. The two whiskified gentlemen are up with her, however; one of them actually lays his hand on her shoulder, and says: "At the shuit of Misthress Pincott, of Kinsington, mercer, I have the honour of arresting your leedyship.