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Yet, when I figured the floor area of the city, which was roughly oval in shape, being eight kilometres in breadth and eleven in length, I found that the population on a given floor area was no greater than it had been in the Island of Manhattan before the reform land laws were put into effect in the latter part of the Twentieth Century.

A few Chinese passengers alighted at Yarkand, and gave place to others exactly like them among others a score of coolies and we started again at eight o'clock in the evening. During the night we ran the three hundred and fifty kilometres which separate Yarkand from Kothan. A visit I paid to the front van showed me that the box was still in the same place.

And I, who wanted "incident," who feared the weariness of a monotonous voyage of six thousand kilometres, in the course of which I should not meet with an impression or emotion worth clothing in type! I have made another muddle of it, I admit! My lord Faruskiar, of whom I had made a hero by telegraph for the readers of the Twentieth. Century.

"Ah, yes, I have heard that foundry mentioned, it is true.... It seems to be quite near!" Fandor shook his head. "It seems to be but, by the road, it is a good eleven kilometres away." "As much as that? As the crow flies it is close to." "Yes. It seems so."

In spite of the good news I was still wet, cold and hungry, and the prospect of again sleeping in a warm bed was very alluring. I therefore inquired the way to the nearest hotel, and was told to make for a larger village, some three kilometres distant.

Genis himself who accused me of treachery?" "There is no reason why I should deny it, Sir," she replied coldly. "It was M. de St. Genis himself who gave to my father and to me a full account of the interview which he had with you at a lonely inn, some few kilomètres from Lyons, and less than two hours after we had been shamefully robbed on the highroad of money that belonged to the King."

Two hundred and fifty kilometres beyond we shall be at Kachgar. Although we are now in Chinese Turkestan, it will not be till we reach that town that we shall have our first experience of Chinese administration. Dinner over about nine o'clock, we stretched ourselves on our beds, in the hope, or rather the conviction, that the night will be as calm as the preceding one. It was not to be so.

None of us had seen this miserable, desolate country, treeless and verdureless, which the railway was now crossing on its road to the northeast. Day came; our train ran the four hundred kilometres between Tchertchen and Tcharkalyk, while the sun caressed with its rays the immense plain, glittering in its saline efflorescences. When I awoke I seemed to have had an unpleasant dream.

In the evening of the same day we arrived at the Sacred Lake of Teri Noor, a sheet of water eight kilometres across, muddy and yellow, with low unattractive shores studded with large holes. In the middle of the lake lay what was left of a disappearing island. On this were a few trees and some old ruins.

He was told that that was what they called the Englishman, a painter, who lived with Ata up in the valley seven kilometres from where they were. He recognised Strickland by the description. But it was necessary to walk. It was impossible for him to go; that was why they had sent the girl away. "I confess," said the doctor, turning to me, "that I hesitated.