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To the others, this also was inexplicable. They scratched their heads, and rubbed their ears, and gaped at one another. Leif smiled grimly as he caught their looks. Picking a silver ring from his pouch, he tossed it to Valbrand. "Take this to Kark to pay him for his broken head, and advise him to make less noise with his mouth in the future."

Then she passed through the gate into the budding courtyard, where her eye fell upon Leif's sleeping-loft, with Kark running briskly up the steps; and the brightness faded. "But there is some ice the sun cannot melt," she sighed. On the threshold of the great hall, Thorhild stood waiting for her.

That Kark was no favorite with you or your friend" he nodded toward the Norman "was seen by everybody. Confess that it was by the sword of one of you that the thrall met his death." For once the Wrestler's face lost its gentleness. His huge frame stiffened haughtily, as he drew himself up.

At length all grew still and they felt that the night had come. Kark fell asleep, but the earl sat awake, watching him in deep distrust. The slumbering thrall tossed about as if in pain and the earl wakened him, asking of what he had dreamt. "I dreamed that you and I were on shipboard and that I was at the helm." "That means that you rule over both our lives.

Robert the Fearless walked on to look around the rock they had almost reached; but the rest remained where they were, following their leader's movements with anxious eyes. They were so intent that they jumped like startled horses at an exclamation from the Icelander. He was pointing to the strip of beach which lay between Kark and the Norman. "Look there!" he cried. "Look there!"

Therefore, Kark, you must be true and faithful to me, as duty bids you. Better days will soon come to us both and then you shall be richly rewarded." Again the thrall fell asleep and again he seemed to dream. The earl woke him again. "Of what did you dream?" he asked. "I dreamed that I was at Hlade and that Olaf Tryggvesson put a golden ring around my neck." Beware of him, Kark, and trust in me.

The guardsman's face was as inscrutable as the side of his goblet. "If Kark had deserved to be slain, he would not be living now. He is less accomplished than this man, therefore I changed them." The steward bent his head in apparent submission. "Now, as always, you are right. Rather than a boorish Odin-man, better is it to have a man of accomplishments, even though he be a hound of a Christian."

"Get you quickly forward and wipe up the beer Valbrand has spilled over his bench." For a moment, Alwin's eyes opened wide in amazement; then they drew together into two menacing slits, and his very clothing bristled with haughtiness. He deigned no answer whatsoever. A pause, and Kark followed his voice. "What now, you cub of a lazy mastiff! I told you, quickly; the beer will get on his clothes."