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And so the righteous triumph secretly, the lucky are amused, the strong are disgusted, the weak either upset or irritated with you according to the measure of their sincerity with themselves. And all of them in their hearts brand you for either mad or impudent... I had seldom seen Marlow so vehement, so pessimistic, so earnestly cynical before.

Woof!" it plunged in and disappeared. It was two or three years before that locality was again troubled by impudent grizzly bears. And what is the mental attitude of every Rocky Mountain black or grizzly bear outside of the Yellowstone Park?

It is not often that he is so, but sometimes he has, in sheer self-defence, to notice the dogs that yelp at his heels, and to lash out and maul them so as to keep off the rest. Nobody will forget how, in a few words, Mr. Gladstone mercilessly and for ever crushed that impudent young gentleman, who is titled and considered to-day largely because Mr.

She had the simplest tastes, the most inconsiderable desires. She would go off by herself then and spend a day wandering about the woods, cooling her feet in brooks, sleeping under a tree. No man could make her happiness completer, hanging about her steps, staring her down with bold, impudent eyes. But he was not kind.

As to the evidence of eye-witnesses, in these days people prefer impudent lies to the stories of men of worth and long service. I know of some notes of the year 1812, which I have determined, prince, to leave this house, Mr. Lebedeff's house." The general looked significantly at his host.

"That is the most impudent, shameless, outrageous piece of . What were you doing at the window?" said she as Nancy came in. "Looking at you, Miss Fortune," said Nancy coolly. "What have you been talking about, this great while? If there had only been a pane of glass broken, I needn't have asked." "Hold your tongue," said Miss Fortune, "and listen to me."

As he disappeared, the door opened, and the face of Fanny was seen carefully watching the enemy's retreat. Then the young girl turned to Redbud, and, clapping her hands, cried: "Did you ever! what an impudent fellow! But you promised, Reddy! Come, let me fix your hair!" Redbud sighed, and assented.

Or for Murillo, the Indian, impudent though harmless, full of fancies and fire-water? Or for the return of the whale-boats, with their beautiful lateen-sails? Or for the gathering of the Neapolitan fishermen down under the old Custom House, where they sat at evening looking off upon the Bay, and perchance dreaming of Italy and all that enchanted coast?

Do you know what an impudent thing the managers did the other night in protesting against the raising of the lights by which the house was made brilliant and the cheap illusions of the stage were destroyed? They wanted to make the house positively gloomy for the sake of a little artificial moonlight on the painted towers and the canvas lakes."

XLII. It is common to all trades and professions to mind and intend that only, which now they are about, and the instrument whereby they work. XLIII. When at any time thou art offended with any one's impudency, put presently this question to thyself: 'What? Is it then possible, that there should not be any impudent men in the world!