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Such is not the case with the American Union, in which, as in ordinary governments, the federal government has the means of enforcing all it is empowered to demand. The human understanding more easily invents new things than new words, and we are thence constrained to employ a multitude of improper and inadequate expressions.

Wardour could decide as he pleased while Katharine was under his charge, but that it would be highly improper that she should not learn the accomplishments of her station. "Only I can't learn," said Kate, half desperate; "you will see that it is no use, Aunt Barbara." "I shall do my duty, Katharine," was all the answer she obtained; and she pinched her chair with suppressed passion.

She will think it so improper if Dicky isn't my admirer, don't you see?" But Mrs. Portheris's desire to join our party stood revealed. Her constant chaperonage of Dicky was getting a little trying, and she wanted me to relieve her.

It may not be improper to pause here for a few moments, and to consider a little more minutely the causes which had produced the grand revolution in favor of liberty by which this reign was distinguished, and to draw all the circumstances which led to this remarkable event into a single point of view.

On this occasion, therefore, it is surely improper to employ troops newly collected from shops and villages, and yet more irrational to trust them to the direction of boys called on this occasion from the frolicks of a school, or forced from the bosoms of their mothers, and the softness of the nursery.

Owing to some improper language he had used of certain princes, Gonzalves was well buffetted by a Spaniard at his coming off from the shore, and had been slain if the natives had not rescued him for our sakes.

I do not wish to attack or offend them as this court expresses it, to impute improper motives to them by thus simply stating the sad facts which are relevant to my own case in this prosecution, and explaining that I decline professional assistance, because few lawyers would be so rash as to adopt my political convictions, and vindicate my political conduct as their own, and because if any lawyer were so bold as to offer me his aid on my own terms, I am too generous to permit him to ruin his professional career for my sake.

On such occasions Baby was in all her glory. She shouted with delight at being suddenly uncribbed and thrust into her little scarlet cloak, and brought down stairs, at an utterly unusual and improper hour, to a piazza with lights and people and horses and general excitement.

"Has he been eating any thing improper?" asked Doctor L , after administering such remedies, and ordering such treatment as he deemed the case required. "Has he eaten no green fruit?" "None." "Nothing, to my knowledge, replied Mrs. Hobart. "We have been very careful in regard to food." "Nor unripe vegetables?" Mrs. Hobart shook her head. "Nor fish?" "Nothing of the kind." "That is strange.

When believers ascend above this inferior state of existence into the presence of God and the Lamb, notwithstanding all the communications of inspired penmen in the sacred page owing to the imperfection of human language, and the circumstances of man, which, in some cases, render further instructions impossible, in others improper such will be their discoveries of the glory of Jesus Christ, that the language of the queen of Sheba will prove peculiarly descriptive of their feelings, "behold, the half was not told me."