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"Hookum hai!" he screamed suddenly, waving his sound hand upward, and bringing it down suddenly with a jerk, as though by sheer force he was blasting them. "Down with you!" ordered Brown, and all except Brown and the Beluchi tumbled over backward. "Keep hold of your rifles!" ordered Brown. The fakir's wailing continued for a while.

Tell him to tell his gang that he's going to give an order. Let him tell them that when he says 'Hookum hai! my men'll loose his neck straight away, and fall down flat. Only, first of all he's got to tell them that he needs us for the present.

He says the order has been given. He says that half of India shall run blood within a day, and the whole of it within a week!" "Who gave the order?" "He answers 'Hookum hai! which means 'It is an order! Nothing more does the holy fakir say." "To the clink with him!" commanded Brown. "I'm tired of these Old Mother Shipton babblings.

If he says 'Hookum hai! you all let go the rope, and fall flat. But keep hold of your rifles!" The fakir's voice, rose in a high-pitched, nasal wail, and from the darkness all around them there came an answering murmur that was like the whispering of wind through trees.

'Hookum hai' 'It is orders, heh? Well there's more than one sort of 'Hookum hai! I've got my orders too!" He doubled the guard, when supper bad been eaten and the guardroom had been swept and the pots and kettle had been burnished until they shone.

"I feel sure," said Sir Hookum Bannerjee, seeing be was expected to say something, "that Prince Utirupa Singh would be acceptable to the Rajputs themselves, who are long weary of Gungadhura's way. But he is not married. It is a pity always that a reigning prince should be unmarried; there are so many opportunities in that case for intrigue, and for mistakes."

They were ushered in presently by Sita Ram. Ross, the principal medical officer came first; it was a pity he ranked so high that he could not be overlooked, but there you were. Then came Sir Hookum Bannerjee, judge of the circuit court likely to have a lot to say without much meaning in it, and certainly anxious to please.

"You and I are going to turn in our accounts of how we've worked out this 'Hookum hai' business, my friend!" he told him. "You've given orders, and I've obeyed orders! We've both accounted for a death or two, and we've both accepted responsibility. We're going to know in less than five minutes from now which of us two was justified. There's one thing I know, though, without asking.

I've had a contract drawn for your approval Sir Hookum Bannerjee drew it, he's a very able lawyer stipulating with Utirupa, in consideration of our recognition of himself and his heirs as rulers of the State of Sialpore, that he shall agree to exchange his palace and land on our side of the river against our fort on his side. What do you think of it?" "It isn't a good bargain.

If you can get rid of Gungadhura, get rid of his whole connection by all means." "What should be done with the sons, then?" asked Sir Hookum Bannerjee, father of half a dozen budding lawyers. "Oh, send 'em to school in England, I suppose," said Samson. "There's precedent for that too. But there's another point.