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But now, when he had never felt nature's influence more powerful; when he had never forgotten man and man's world more thoroughly; when he was experiencing emotions, which, though undefinable, he felt to be new; he started when he remembered that all this was in the presence of a human being! Was it Hesperus he gazed upon, or something else that glanced brighter than an Evening star?

"I am going to search that mountain," I went on, "for the treasure. Decide now whether you are in it or not. If you wish to let a water-mark or a variation shake your soul, you are no true adventurer. Decide." A white cloud of dust began to rise far down the river road. It was the mail-wagon from Hesperus to Chico. Goodloe flagged it. "I am done with the swindle," said he, sourly.

We shall now select, from the songs that are scattered throughout the tale of Wilhelm Meister, one of the most genial and sweet. It is an in-door picture of evening, and of those odorous flowers of life which expand their petals only at the approach of Hesperus. We are somewhat puzzled as to the title which we ought to prefix to our next specimen.

With Narcissus this evolution had taken place early: it was very long ago he felt old even then to think of it since Hesperus had sung like a nightingale above his first kiss, and his memory counted many trophies of lordship.

Of the Americans, the C. Hesperus Oliv. is the only one with a border to the seventh stripe, and the C. Actæon Klug of Mexico is the only one that has eight stripes.

Milton, in his "Comus," makes the Hesperides the daughters of Hesperus and nieces of Atlas: "... amidst the gardens fair Of Hesperus and his daughters three, That sing about the golden tree." The poets, led by the analogy of the lovely appearance of the western sky at sunset, viewed the west as a region of brightness and glory.

When he reached the River Cyane, and it opposed his passage, he struck the river bank with his trident, and the earth opened and gave him a passage to Tartarus. Ceres sought her daughter all the world over. Bright-haired Aurora, when she came forth in the morning, and Hesperus, when he led out the stars in the evening, found her still busy in the search. But it was all unavailing.

He cannot be one of the stars with which I have established familiar acquaintance, associated with fancies and dreams and hopes, as most of us do, for instance, with Hesperus, the moon's harbinger and comrade. But amid all those stars there is one not Hesperus which has always had from my childhood a mysterious fascination for me.

But the glory of the sunset long lingered in the glowing west, streaming with every colour of the Iris, while a solitary star glittered with silver light amid the shifting splendour. 'Hesperus rises from the sunset like the fountain of fresh water from the sea, said Herbert. 'The sky and the ocean have two natures, like ourselves,

I could have received his vows on my knees, but I was motionless; yet how was I delighted to be the cause of joy to him! Joy to your brother to Sir Charles Grandison! He saw me greatly affected, and considerately said: "I will leave you, my dear Miss Byron, to entitle myself to the congratulations of all our friends below. From this moment I date my happiness!" Hesperus