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The report of the Secretary of the Treasury hereto appended shows also a branch of the public service not specifically intrusted to any officer which might be advantageously committed to the Attorney-General. But independently of those considerations this office is now one of daily duty.

But the old hag cried out, "God forgive thee thy sins; the whole village knows that I am a devout woman, and one serving the Lord in all things"; whereupon she called up old Zuter Witthahn and my church-warden Claus Bulk, who bore witness hereto.

Now, if they be set in the Church and God hath set them there, here is a plain divine right for government in the Church. Add hereto, 2 Cor. x. 8, "Of our authority, which the Lord hath given to us for the edification, and not for the destruction of you." Here are mentioned 1. Church power or authority for government in the Church. 2.

O blessed spirit, thine is it to win hereto the husband of Hera, and the grey-eyed maid ; and thou art able to give to mortals strength ever and again against baffling perplexities.

General Wild replied: 'We will try that. Reinforcements were at once sent, but the fight was over before their arrival. It has been not unfrequently said that negroes were cowards and would not fight. The best answer that can be made to that charge is the official order, hereto annexed, of General 'Baldy' Smith.

I say not that I have been to the Dry Tree; but I have spoken to one who hath heard of him who hath seen it; though he might not come by a draught of the Well at the World's End." Ralph's eyes flashed, and his cheeks reddened as he listened hereto; but he spake quietly: "Master Clement, how far dost thou make it to Higham-on-the-Way?"

If her tyrant had been brought home dead, I think she would only have sighed "With the sigh of a great deliverance!" "Let us go now, Rose, and prepare his bed. Sylvan will stay hereto receive him," said Cora.

Now such a man have I sought hereto in Meadhamstead and the much-peopled land of Meadham, and none have I come on, however worthy he were of deeds, or well-born of lineage, but that I doubted me if he were so fair or so doughty as might be found; but here in this half-desert corner of the land have I gotten a man than whom none is doughtier, as some of you have found to your cost.

This is to sertify that A.P. Gibney, Esq., and Bart McGuffey, Esq. is law-abidin' sitisens of the U.S.A. and the constitootion thereof, and in no way pirates or such; and be it further resolved that the said parties hereto are aboard said American steamer Maggie this date on the special invite of Phineas P. Scraggs, owner, as his guests and at their own risk.

When any o' th' parties hereto can rig up a sale o' these two Celestials, it's his duty to let his shipmates in on th' same. He may exact a five per cent. commission for his effort, if he wants t' be rotten mean, an' th' company has t' pay it t' him, but otherwise we all whacks up, share an' share alike, on profits an' losses." "Right you are, Gib, my hearty," responded McGuffey.