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Harnden's company disappeared in a few years, and the Adams Express Company became an institution that has the appearance of perpetuity. At a time perhaps as late as 1850, I met Adams on Washington Street, when he expressed the opinion that his business was as profitable as any business in the country.

Britt hurried the rest of his movements; Files's kitchen conveniences were archaic, and the guest who was not on time got cold viands. The lover who had begun to stir Miss Harnden's thoughts into rather unpleasant roiliness of doubts came hustling into the bank, hat and coat on. The girl and young Vaniman were spreading their respective lunches on the center table inside the grille.

He went along to Harnden's carriage and suddenly nipped that gentleman's nose between toil-calloused index and middle fingers. "They tell me there's no law against doing this," he said between his yellow, hard-set teeth, as he twisted at the nose, while Harnden's eyes ran water.

"Women have a soft side, and men come up on that side and take advantage and Joe Harnden's mealy mouth has always served him well with his womenfolks but I do hope Vona Harnden has got done being fool enough to galley-slave and sacrifice for the rest of her life," sputtered the dame. "Britt for her? Fs-s-sh!" Her hiss of disgust was prolonged. Then she rattled the dice more vigorously.

That way was toward the north, on the heels of the wains and the flocks and the herds and the men and women and children of the migrating population of Egypt. Colonel Wincott occupied the front seat with Mrs. Harnden. By the time he had teamed the Squire's fat little nag along for a mile he had succeeded in calming Mrs. Harnden's hysterical spirits.

However, one might have concluded that Mr. Harnden's destination was not as clearly settled in his mind as the haste of his departure suggested. When he came to four corners he pulled up and looked to right and to left and to the straight ahead. Mr.

Harnden's latest invention. In fact, the consent had been secured so easily that Mr. Harnden, freshly arrived in town on Ike Jones's stage, and having heard no Egypt gossip during a prolonged absence from home, had blinked at Britt with the air of a man who had expected to find a door held against him, had pushed hard, and had tumbled head over heels when nothing opposed him. Mr.

He optimistically declared that his faith in the old town was firmly fixed. That optimism was entirely in accord with Mr. Harnden's past professions; and nobody wondered much, because he was so foolish. But he was not wholly a fool in that matter. He had only about a fifty-per-cent faith in Egypt he insisted on that much discount when he took in a town order.

"It's worth it!" he muttered; but not even to himself did Britt mention what the price was. Mr. Harnden's comment, delayed for some minutes, was that the girl was putting it almighty strong. "It's her loyalty. She can't help it. She takes it from me," declared the mother, pouring another cup of tea for her shaken nerves. "She does, hey?" Mr.

Harnden's optimism bobbed up with its usual serenity. "We're making a whole lot out of a little, come to think it over!" He turned to Vona, feeling that he was fortified against any appeal he might find in her eyes. In the silence that she had imposed on herself while her champion was battling she had been gathering courage, piling up the ammunition of resolution.