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McLane's advice ... and dinner will be served in an hour. Please come down and get it while it is hot," and not waiting to hear his halfhearted promise she walked from the room and closed the door. It was some seconds before Whitney resumed his interrupted work. "Only a little while now," he muttered "only a little while." Before proceeding to her bedroom Mrs.

Dunmore was anxious to avoid any further reference to the sum of ten thousand dollars; when Gladys induced Rand to talk about his military experiences, he lapsed into preoccupied silence. Several times, Geraldine and Nelda aimed halfhearted feline swipes at one another, more out of custom than present and active rancor.

I rid myself of the pump I'd never dreamed I'd be reluctant to part with the monster while she made perfunctory and unconvincing motions to fit herself for the street. Of course she neither washed nor madeup, but she peered in the glass argumentatively, pulled her jacket down decisively, threw her shoulders back to raise it askew again and gave the swirl of hair a halfhearted pat.

Halfhearted measures will not do. I shall recommend prompt enactment of legislation designed: To safeguard workers' funds in union treasuries against misuse of any kind whatsoever. To protect the rights and freedoms of individual union members, including the basic right to free and secret elections of officers. To advance true and responsible collective bargaining.

He advises keeping well in mid-channel, as you are more likely to carry a true wind; and if any of the rovers should make their appearance and attempt pursuit, he says the thing that would terrify them most would be to shape at running them down; but if that course is adopted it must not be done in a halfhearted way. There should be no first-you-will and then-you-won't policy.

These halfhearted appeals were too late, for the political machine in Kansas had already done its work; and Susan, turning her back on such fair-weather friends, cultivated the Democrats even more sedulously. When the Democrat who had promised to accompany George Francis Train on a speaking tour failed him, she took his place.

The first quarrel seemed to lack its wonted bitterness. Punch appeared halfhearted, and Judy was simply walking through. I glanced at the girl and stroked her pig-tail my pig-tail. "Wootle," I said encouragingly. "Wootle, wootle." She started at my touch. Then she seemed to remember, and flung herself into her part with abandon. When the ghost was on, I had a brilliant idea.

They crouched where they were, in helpless bewilderment, watching the ship until she slowly drifted out of sight round a projecting bluff; and then, in a dazed, halfhearted way, and with nerves all unstrung by disappointment and the dreadful accident which had befallen the baronet, they began to slowly retrace their steps, in the faint hope of stumbling upon some means of escape.

That part of the carnival planned to take place in the garden was perforce abandoned, together with the firework display. A halfhearted attempt was made at dancing, but the howling of the wind, and the omnipresent dust, perpetually reminded the pleasure-seekers that Khamsîn raged without raged with a violence unparalleled in the experience of the oldest residents.

During those four easy going years he had played halfhearted baseball and football, and had all but made the "Literary Monthly." On entering the world, as the phrase goes, he came into possession of a small patrimony and accepted a minor editorial position on a feeble religious monthly.