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Updated: August 5, 2024

Goe to and goe to, for I say and I sayt, they are signes of a rising; flesh is frayle and women are but women, more then men but men. I am puft up like a bladder, sweld with the wind of love; for go to and go to, I say and I sayt, this love is a greife, and greife a sorrowe, and sorrows dry.

All the Comforts of this life may be compared to the gourd of Jonah, that notwithstanding we take great delight for a season in them, and find their Shadow very comfortable, yet their is some worm or other of discontent, of feare, or greife that lyes at root, which in great part withers the pleasure which else we should take in them; and well it is that we perceive a decay in their greennes, for were earthly comforts permanent, who would look for heavenly?

Witnes, gratious heaven, Who, were you not offended at some sinn I have unwittingly comitted, would Send sacred innocence it selfe to pleade How much 'tis iniurd in me, that with zeale Above the love of mothers I have tendred This misinformd man. Bon. I shall grow childish, too; my passions strive For my dead love to keepe my greife alive. Actus Secundus. Enter Sucket, Crackbie, Grimes. Gr.

This soddaine comfort, Had I not yet a relique left of greife, Would like a violent torrent overbeare The banks of my mortallity. Oh, Thurston, Whom I respect with a more sacred love Then was my former; take my blessing with her And all the wishes that a ioyfull mother Can to a child devote: had my Belisia And her deare Bonvill livd, this happy day Should have beheld a double wedding. Sir Hu.

So bad a cause Deserves not to be pleaded thus. Deere madam, Greife overwhelmes me for you, that your guilt Has damp'd the eyes of mercy and undone All intercession. Please you desist: We must proceed to th'examination Of the other prisoners. Sir Geffrey, we shall need your grave assistance: Sir Geffrey, be more attentive. Sir Gef. Tis very necessary.

I prithee tell me, Does not the genius of thy honor dead Haunt thee with apparitions like a goast Of one thou'dst murdrd? dost not often come To thy bed-side and like a fairy pinch Thy prostituted limbs, then laughing tell thee 'Tis in revenge for myriads of black tortures Thy lust inflicted on it? Bel. Have you don? Give me a little leave then ere my greife Surround my reason.

Come, Ile goe Whither you please. Lady. Stay, officers; all accessaries are As liable to punishment for murder As those who act it. I confesse twas I Enforcd my son to slay that gentleman. Your warrant extends to take me with him. Tho. Alas, beleive her not; greife for her sonne Has made her franticke. Lady. By heaven tis truth!

I desire This for my past love, that youle retaine Your wrong opinion to yourselfe, not labour To possesse others with it, to disgrace Our yet unspotted family. Bon. If you want A partner in your greife, take me along That can teach you and all the world true Sorrow. Bel.

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