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Updated: August 16, 2024

Red Hoss had no dependable helpmate, such as Luther Maydew had, with a neatly lettered sign in her front window: GOING-OUT WASHING TAKEN IN HERE. Luther's wife was Luther's only visible means of support, yet Luther waxed fat and shiny and larded the earth when he walked abroad.

Bury returned, smiling, to the tea-table. "The coming-in would have been nothing if it had led quickly to the going-out. It was the coffee that ruined you." "I see," said the Duchess, pouting "it meant that it was possible for us to enjoy ourselves without Lady Henry. That was the offence." "Precisely. It showed that you were enjoying yourselves.

Large things were to be found in this part of the lagoon. The last time he had hooked a horror in the form of a cat-fish; at least in outward appearance it was likest to a Mississippi cat-fish. Unlike the cat-fish, it was coarse and useless as food, but it gave good sport. The tide was now going out, and it was at the going-out of the tide that the best fishing was to be had.

But I recall, I mean, no confessed recognition of them; no deliberate going-out of my spirit, open and unashamed, to such things. I suppose one's early adolescence is necessarily the period of maximum shyness in one's life. Even to Raymond I attempted no extremities of confidence. Even to myself I tried to be the thing that was expected of me.

The remains of Wednesday?" November 18. Woke up quite fresh after a good night's rest, and feel quite myself again. I am satisfied a life of going-out and Society is not a life for me; we therefore declined the invitation which we received this morning to Miss Bird's wedding. We only met her twice at Mrs. James', and it means a present. Lupin said: "I am with you for once.

The causes of their enmity are their chagrin at the events of the Exodus and the difference of their religious ideas." Josephus deals with Manetho's description of the going-out from Egypt, and undertakes to demonstrate that "he trifles and tells arrant lies."

Martin also related his adventures; to which his companion listened with such breathless attention and earnestness that his pipe was constantly going-out; and the two friends did not retire to rest till near daybreak. The substance of the Baron's narrative was as follows:

The time of his going-out was September of the harvest: a fresh wet air was abroad. He looked at the thin blue of the sky, he saw dew and gossamer lie heavy on the hedge-rows. All his heart laughed. Prosper was merry. Whither he should go, what find, how fare, he knew not at all. Morgraunt was before him, and of Morgraunt all the country spoke in a whisper.

Surging murmurs of unanimous sorrow rose and fell as if blown by the chill wind to and fro over Egypt. The nation crouched with her face in the dust. There was no perfunctory sorrow in her abasement. She was bowed down with her own woe, not Meneptah's. Never before had a prince's going-out been attended by such wild grief.

When night came down the darkness seemed to enter the house and wrap itself about us as well. A thief! As Red Cross nurse on battlefields in the aftermath, I had helped put together the remnants of splendid men and promising youth; in sorrowing homes I had seen hope die with the going-out of such as these. The dreaded thing had come.

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