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Updated: August 16, 2024

He also sustained a clay pipe between his teeth, which he only removed for a brief space when he deemed it necessary to apply for refreshment to a quart pot upon the table, which stood ready filled with gin-and-water for the accommodation of the company.

I could have drunk claret and champagne just as well as gin-and-water, and worn ruffles to my shirt as gracefully as many a fellow who used to be very fond of me, and now won't speak to me if he meets me in the streets. I never got a chance, never." "But it's not too late yet, Mr Lupex," said Eames. "Yes, it is, Eames, yes, it is." And now Mr Lupex had grasped the gin-bottle. "It's too late now.

'What is suffering? said she. 'Why, to be as we were last night not able to speak to each other. 'Come, Harry, you should be a little reasonable, said she, laughing. 'If you did not talk last night whose fault was it? 'I suppose you will say it was my own. Perhaps it was. But I could not feel comfortable while he was drinking gin-and-water 'It was rum, said Gertrude, rather gravely.

During breakfast on the following day which means from the hour of one till two, for the glasses of iced gin-and-water had been many Archie Clavering was making up his mind that he would begin at once. He would go to Bolton Street on that day, and make an attempt to be admitted.

He lifted the old woman off her chair, and settled her before the table, like a child. The sight of the hot food and drink roused her to a tigerish activity. She devoured the meat with her eyes as well as her teeth; she drank the hot gin-and-water in fierce gulps, and set down the glass with audible gasps of relief. "Another one," she cried, "and I shall begin to feel warm again!"

Neefit, as he returned to his arm-chair, to his gin-and-water, to his growlings, and before long to his slumbers. Throughout the whole evening he was very unpleasant in the bosom of his family, which consisted on this occasion of his wife only, as Polly took the opportunity of going out to drink tea with a young lady friend.

And after a while he began of his own accord to tell me about the wreck that he had passed through, and about what had come after it only stopping now and then to ask for more gin-and-water, and gulping it down with such satisfaction that I gave him all he cared to have.

"And here, Mr Eames, is to your very good health," said Lupex, raising to his mouth a steaming goblet of gin-and-water, "and wishing you many years to enjoy your official prosperity." "Thank ye," said Eames. "I don't know much about the prosperity, but I'm just as much obliged." "Yes, sir; when I see a young man of your age beginning to rise in the world, I know he'll go on.

Nor could he be got to drop it for some ten days after that; but on a certain evening he had come home very uncomfortable from the effects of gin-and-water, and had been spoken to very sensibly both by his wife and daughter. By seven on the following morning Ontario Moggs was sitting in the front parlour of the house at Hendon, and Polly Neefit was sitting with him.

One of these was a mere boy of nineteen or twenty, who, though it was yet barely ten o'clock, was drinking gin-and-water, and smoking a cigar amusements to which, judging from his inflamed countenance, he had devoted himself pretty constantly for the last year or two of his life.

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