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"It is funny," she said, "I think that maybe from your side of the affair it is awfully funny. But " I turned the knob swiftly. "No but about it. I shall write that note this minute, and you shall mail it home at once. That is the only right thing to do." "Yes." She heaved a deep, long sigh. "I know that. I have worked it all out as an original in geometry.

The geometry examination and all the others were over in due time and Anne arrived home on Friday evening, rather tired but with an air of chastened triumph about her. Diana was over at Green Gables when she arrived and they met as if they had been parted for years. "You old darling, it's perfectly splendid to see you back again.

Look here," he continued, making a bound and pointing to a knot on the rough floor boards, "that's the exact spot where his head came down whop." We boys used to think the days at old Browne's very long and tedious, and often enough feel a mortal hatred of Euclid as a tyrant who had invented geometry for the sake of driving boys mad.

When mechanics had reached the point to which Galileo brought it when the simple laws of force had been disentangled from the friction and atmospheric resistance by which all their earthly manifestations are disguised when progressing knowledge of physics had given a due insight into these disturbing causes when, by an effort of abstraction, it was perceived that all motion would be uniform and rectilinear unless interfered with by external forces and when the various consequences of this perception had been worked out; then it became possible, by the union of geometry and mechanics, to initiate physical astronomy.

To learn to be thorough in connection with history, accurate in handwork, open-minded in science, persistent in Latin, critical in geometry, thorough in class and school activities; to form habits of allegiance to ideals of truth, coöperation, fair play, tolerance, courage, and so on, may help the learner to exhibit these same attitudes in other situations in life.

In a critique that was made in London on Mr. de Fontenelle's discourse, the writer presumed to assert that Descartes was not a great geometrician. Those who make such a declaration may justly be reproached with flying in their master's face. Descartes extended the limits of geometry as far beyond the place where he found them, as Sir Isaac did after him.

It is with geometry as it is with arithmetic. No man is wholly ignorant of points, lines, surfaces, and solids. We are all aware that a short line is not a point, a narrow surface is not a line, and a thin solid is not a mere surface. A door so thin as to have only one side would be repudiated by every man of sense as a monstrosity.

Archimedes solved also the problem of the relation of the diameter of the circle to its circumference; his answer being a close approximation to the familiar 3.1416, which every tyro in geometry will recall as the equivalent of pi. Numerous other of the studies of Archimedes having reference to conic sections, properties of curves and spirals, and the like, are too technical to be detailed here.

I find that I undoubtedly seem to perceive, as clearly and certainly as I see any axiom in Arithmetic or Geometry, that it is 'right' and 'reasonable' for me to treat others as I should think that I myself ought to be treated under similar conditions, and to do what I believe to be ultimately conducive to universal Good or Happiness."

Bare, burning sand, strewn with curiously colored rocks, lay piled in strange chaos; then he realized there was an odd, but perceptible geometry to their arrangement. They showed alternate crystal and opaque faces. Old Rugel noted his look of surprise. "Never been here before? That's right, you've always worked on the Polaris run. Well, those aren't true rocks, but living creatures of a sort.