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See if there are any human remains in that fire." The wind was blowing the other way, but as a sergeant went up to the fire in obedience to the general's order, he said: "There is a great smell of burnt flesh here, and, sapristi, yes," as he tossed over the logs with his foot "there is a body here, sir, pretty well burnt up." "It's a curious story," the general said.

There we had tolerable cookery; come and take the best we can give you." But this invitation Wilfrid had to decline. "Why?" said Jenna. He replied: "I've stuck at Meran three months. I did it, in obedience to what I understood from Colonel Zofel to be the General's orders.

Confused, and all but wholly unintelligible, as was this address of Cromwell's, Lady Rae perceived that it contained a gleam of comfort, that a ray of hope-inspiring light, however feeble, played through its obscurity; and, satisfied with this, she urged her suit no further, but, with a thankful acceptance of the Parliamentary general's invitation to her to wait upon him on the following day, she withdrew.

After that the following accident enabled him to startle and conquer the rest, as well, who were contending fiercely. Pollio had cast off his general's cloak, in order to suffer less chance of detection in his flight, and another man of the same name, a brilliant horseman, had fallen.

"If it is all the same to you, Major Derevaux," said the general, "I would prefer to postpone our conference until this evening. I have several matters that require my immediate attention." Major Derevaux accepted this postponement graciously, and announced that he would accompany the boys at once. As they would have passed out, the general's orderly once more entered the room.

The uniforms of three armies were at the table the French, the Belgian and the English. It was possible to compare them under the light of a single lamp. The General's cloak, in spite of my criticism, was the heaviest of the three. But all of them seemed excellent. The material was like felt in body, but much softer. All of the officers were united in thinking khaki an excellent all-round colour.

Verrier replied by giving an outline of the financial misfortunes of Mr. Barnes père, as they had been described to her by another English traveller in Washington. Daphne listened indifferently. "He can't be very poor or he wouldn't behave as he does. And he is to inherit the General's property. He told me so."

Rest after your fatigues, for you have much need to do so; in a little while I will visit you again. So saying, he withdrew with his attendants. The general's first care was to inspect his new quarters. The rooms were of great size, and afforded accommodation for the whole army the Tlascalans probably encamping in the outer courts.

For the General's one idea when he saw a fine specimen of our common race was the Zulu's or the Red Indian's what an admirable person he would be to employ in killing and maiming his fellow-creatures! "He'd be better engaged so," the Dean murmured reflectively, "than in diffusing these horrid revolutionary and atheistical doctrines."

Benedict-Smith," was constantly adjourned; the "police agents," whom it had been so necessary to entertain and invite to saloons and cafés, were strangely absent, and so were the counsellors, Jesuit Fathers, bankers, and others who had crowded the General's antechambers.