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We can not kill him; and so the story generally proceeds. He selects a very old story always, and generally tells it in about this fashion: I heerd an awful funny thing the other day ha! ha! I don't know whether I kin git it off er not, but, anyhow, I'll tell it to you. Well! le's see now how the fool-thing goes. Oh, yes!

Wayland punched both fists in the jacket pockets of his sage-green Service suit, and kicked a log back to the camp fire that smouldered in front of his cabin. If she had been his wife he would have explained what a fool-thing it was to argue that all a man had to do was fight.

"Father, dear," said Lucille. "Archie has got an idea." "Archie?" said Mr. Brewster incredulously. "This is me," said Archie, indicating himself with a spoon. "The tall, distinguished-looking bird." "What new fool-thing is he up to now?" "It's a splendid idea, father. He wants to help you over your new hotel." "Wants to run it for me, I suppose?" "By Jove!" said Archie, reflectively.

'And you, owls' brethren, he said, with sarcasm, addressing the first coolie, 'you have undertaken to carry these matter fifty-eight kos to Kalka, have you? 'Na, replied the coolie, stolidly, and spat. 'How else, then, is it to be taken? the driver cried, with anger in his argument. 'Behold the memsahib has ordered but one tonga, and a fool-thing of an ekka. Here is work for six tongas!

Do you think y'r beasts will stand crossing before sunset?" "It's about as easy going ahead as standing still. If we only had a water canteen, it wouldn't be such a fool-thing to risk." The wind flayed them with hot peppering sand. "If we took time to go back for one now, this wind would wipe out the tracks." "What's yon splash o' dust goin' over the roll o' th' hill?"

"And in my dream I believed this hand to be holding a sword! It was a gallant fight, as I remember. I was Quixote, defending some fool-thing or other." "Have you ever thought of the future, Monsieur?" "Death? My faith, no! I have been too busy with the past. The past, the past!" and the marquis closed his eyes. "It walks beside me like a shadow.