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Updated: August 26, 2024

A master organizer, with keen flair for efficient subordinates, of broad vision never muddied by details, with sound knowledge of business economics, and a gift for dramatic appeal, Hoover was ideally fitted to conduct the greatest experiment in economic organization the world had seen.

Again, during the early days of his success with M , he had married a young nurse who had previously been a clerk in a store, a serious, earnest and from one point of view helpful person, seeing that she could keep his domestic affairs in order and bear him children, which she did, but she had no understanding of, or flair for, the type of thing he was called upon to do.

Upon his return he said: "You behaved like a soldier and a nurse toward her a girl with such a distinct flair for the game must have had longings to take up nursing or perhaps you never read 'Sister Dora'?" "I did read 'Sister Dora," she answered, "and I was crazy about it." "Most girls are hence the high death rate in hospitals," he interrupted.

"I asked Urquhart for quite other reasons, you remember." "I don't know what they were," said Lucy. "My own reason was that he should make things go. 'A party in a parlour..." She bit her lip. The Morning Post quivered but recovered itself. "What was the party in a parlour, Mamma? Do tell me." That was Lancelot, with a flair for mischief. "It was 'all silent and all damned," said Lucy.

That's a French 7, he replied, and proceeded to make shots at the meaning of sentences with a flair far surpassing her own skill, though it was notorious that he knew no French whatever. She had a sudden perception of his cleverness, his capacity, his force, his mysterious hold on all kinds of things which eluded her grasp and dismayed her. 'Let's see what you've done, he demanded.

The track of his wanderings laced the globe. He loved "the antres vast and deserts idle," and he had the FLAIR, the houndscent, as it were, to find the hearts of strange peoples.

The squire's words suggested so much relief in that conviction that Farquharson, sharp on the flair of the experienced nose for waverers, looked at him observantly. "I'm not so sure It's a doctrine with a fine practical application for them as well as for us, if they can be got to see it, and they're bound to see it in time.

Yet this quaint dandyfied little man who, I was sorry to see, now limped badly, had been in his time one of the most celebrated members of the Belgian police. As a detective, his flair had been extraordinary, and he had achieved triumphs by unravelling some of the most baffling cases of the day.

How the line of least resistance and greatest advantage is determined for and taken by him is a fascinating process. The careerist instinct, the inherited flair for a career, must not be confounded with the instincts of self-preservation, self-expansion or self-expression, because they are utterly different.

Nevertheless, the brief episodes of her early acquaintance with Errington had cut deep into a mind which had hitherto reflected nothing beyond the simple happenings of a girlhood passed at a country rectory, and the romantic flair of youth had given their memory a certain sacred niche in her heart.

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