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As they finally steamed by the lighthouse, and fixed eager eyes upon the city of their destination, many of these were dimmed with regret and sadness. Even Mrs.

When the latter was appointed to a certain parish he had some difficulty in finding a suitable house, but finally fixed on one which had been untenanted for many years, but had nevertheless been kept aired and in good repair, as a caretaker who lived close by used to come and look after it every day.

On tiptoe she entered; the room was before her; but it was some minutes before she could advance another step. She beheld what fixed her to the spot and agitated every feature.

If the Earl and Lady Anna were then engaged with the mutual consent of all interested, and so engaged that a day could be fixed for the wedding, then, when the case was opened in court, would the Solicitor-General declare that it was the intention of Lord Lovel to make no further opposition to the claims of the Countess and her daughter, and it would only remain for Serjeant Bluestone to put in the necessary proofs of the Cumberland marriage and of the baptism of Lady Anna.

In case of operation for misplacement of the womb, it is necessary, in order to keep the womb in its new position, to stitch it to the frontal abdominal wall. Very frequently it will not stay there, breaks loose, and relapses into an abnormal position. Granted that it remains fixed, woe to the woman if she becomes pregnant.

In spite of my fatigue I could not close my eyes; those of Marco were fixed on me; we looked at each other in silence, gently, so to speak. "What are you doing there?" she asked. She heaved a gentle sigh that was almost a plaint. I turned my head and saw that the first gleams of morning light were shining through the window.

'It' so at first they spoke of the object of true or 'philosophic' knowledge was one and single, eternal and unchangeable, a universe or world-order of parts fixed for ever in their external relations and inward structure.

He who is everything against a foe should count himself as nothing in the service of his country." Lysander remained silent under the gaze of those fixed and imperious eyes.

'Yes, sir, said Trotty, leaving it behind him in a corner. 'Don't leave it there, exclaimed the gentleman. 'Bring it here, bring it here. So! This is your dinner, is it? 'Yes, sir, repeated Trotty, looking with a fixed eye and a watery mouth, at the piece of tripe he had reserved for a last delicious tit-bit; which the gentleman was now turning over and over on the end of the fork.

According to his custom, the senator said grace at the table, by invitation of his brother, who, however, never returned thanks himself. I could not help keeping one eye fixed on the distinguished man, for so unusual an event as saying grace in that house did not fail to make an impression upon me. I noticed that he cast frequent glances at me, and very uneasy ones at that.