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The various genteel employments at Court being held by dwarfs, sir, it will be necessary to alter, in some respects, the present regulations. Finlayson, the government actuary, will be placed to the credit of the National Debt. All this, sir, will be the death of the constitution. But this is not all. The constitution dies hard, perhaps; but there is enough disease impending, Mr.

British intelligence officers depending on old forester's maps and on deserters and prisoners and neutral natives allowed the time for "Pat Rooney's work," personal reconnaissance, to go by till one day, September 28th, General Finlayson arrived at Obozerskaya in person at noon and peremptorily ordered an advance to be started that afternoon on the enemy's works at Versts 458 and 455. Col.

Pillans was master. Mr. Finlayson was a remarkably good Greek scholar, and my husband said, "Why not take advantage of such an opportunity of improvement?" So I read Homer for an hour every morning before breakfast. Mr.

She knew that the title would become extinct at her father's death, but that caused her no regret. She supposed that her income would enable her and her cousin Sophy to live as they had been accustomed. More she did not require. Within a week Mr Patrick Finlayson arrived in a chaise from Dublin.

Mr Finlayson declared, however, that it was not the day to break through their old customs, and, for the credit of the family, they must issue the usual invitations. Nora and Sophy, however, begged that they might be allowed to keep their rooms, although Nora had been anxious to attend her father to the grave. This it was arranged she should do in a private carriage.

"Yes; but of what consequence is that at the present day?" asked the Earl. "I am coming to that, my lord," said Mr Finlayson.

The following morning Mr Finlayson set forth accompanied by Mrs O'Neil, for her cottage. Shane was watching for them. The widow sent him for a spade, and some minutes were employed in digging, before the promised box was discovered, so deeply down in the earth had she hid it.

"Did Finlayson see your father?" inquired Mr. Duff anxiously. "Sure thing," answered Tom. "And did he inform him of what has been going on in this college?" "You bet your life! Give him the whole tip!" "And what did the professor say?" inquired Mr. Duff, with bated breath. "Told him to go to the devil." "To what?" gasped Mr.

Some of our specimens we had bought; our friends had given us duplicates of those they possessed; and George Finlayson, who was with our troops in Ceylon, and who had devoted all his spare time to the study of the natural productions of the country, sent us a valuable collection of crystals of sapphire, ruby, oriental topaz, amethyst, &c., &c.

As the ladies and Mr Finlayson rode up to her, words of prayer were escaping from her lips. "What is the matter, Mistress O'Neil?" asked Sophy, riding up to her. "Why are you thus agitated this morning?" "It is on account of a dream I had last night," she answered.