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Poetess and novelist, dau. of a banker at Boston, Lincolnshire, pub. three vols. of poems, of which perhaps the best known individual piece is "The High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire," and several successful novels, including Off the Skelligs , Fated to be Free , and Sarah de Berenger . She also wrote excellent stories for children, Mopsa the Fairy, Stories told to Children, etc.

The confession of a fated inevitable in the mind, is weakness prostrate. She knew it: but she could point to the manner of man she was matched with; and it was not a poor excuse. Mr. Barmby, she thought, deserved her gratitude in some degree for stepping between Mr. Sowerby and Nesta.

Instead of a brilliant strategical run round the enemy's flanks to a distant goal in his rear, there was fated to be a strenuous scrimmage all along the line. It was a democratic sort of war, depending for its decision upon the stoutness of the pack rather than on the genius of the individual.

Here and there the yet unfilled depressions in the soil form large but shallow lakes, that in the dry season are mere marshes. This was the region where it was fated that the Twenty-fifth Connecticut regiment should make its spring campaign in 1863.

The boards had been worn and jarred a little away from each other, and the letters were gradually shaken through the opening; some heavier or quicker step than usual giving always the final impetus to a letter which had been for days slowly working down towards the fated outlet.

Gottlieb was gone, having often before heard mention of the calamity experienced by these fated women. 'Comfort thee, good heart, on my breast, said Margarita, taking Lisbeth to that sweet nest of peace and fortitude. 'Margarita! 'tis your doing! have I not said lure them not, for they swarm too early upon us! And here they are! and, perhaps, in five minutes all will be over! Herr Je!

But it was fated that the glorious day was not to be complete without a touch of tragedy, for along about nine o'clock, when the rioters were beginning to feel too tired to continue the march much longer, and people were returning to their homes in great numbers, a sudden sound rang out that sent a thrill through many hearts.

Our people and our government have sinned alike against the first-born of the soil, and if they are the fated agents of a new era, they have done nothing have invoked no god to keep them sinless while they do the hest of fate.

Each, in a quite unusual degree, had fulfilled the life of the other, and so wrought harmony from conflicting elements of race and religion that seemed fated to wreck their brave adventure. To gain all, they had risked all: and events had amazingly justified them.

"But on the third vigil, suddenly, at about two o'clock in the morning, long processions of bright lanterns are seen to descend from the heights and group themselves on the shores of the bay, while the mountains gradually return to obscurity and silence. It is fated that the dead should embark and disappear before twilight.