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Updated: August 22, 2024

However, it would take ten days more to replace it, and that would make it the 25th of March before the "Alaska" could leave L'Orient. It was a singular fact, but this incident affected Erik's spirits more than the shipwreck had done. He saw in it a sure sign of a persistent desire to prevent the voyage of the "Alaska."

The landgrave had favorably received Erik's emissaries and the prospects of their returning with the bride seemed fair, when the unlucky letter was put into his hands. It fell like a thunderbolt. In a rage at seeing himself and his daughter thus made sport of, the landgrave ordered the Swedes to leave the town before sunset, under peril of his high displeasure.

"No, matter," said he suddenly; "Nordenskiold must be found, and with him Patrick O'Donoghan. They shall be, or it will not be my fault." Erik's plan was a very simple one. He proposed to write an anonymous letter to the leading newspapers of Stockholm, and thus proclaim his fears as to the fate of the "Vega."

"But Erik's sure to have some money at the bottom of his chest!" said one. "He works for good wages and has a rich aunt down below." "No, indeed!" whined Erik. "Why, I have to pay for half a score of young brats who can't father themselves upon any one else. But Karl Johan must get it, or what's the good of being head man?" "That's no use," said Karl Johan doubtfully.

This would explain why all my inquiries have been fruitless. "Be this as it may, after having questioned successively all the proprietors of the vessels bearing the name of 'Cynthia, without obtaining any information, and after exhausting all known means of pursuing my investigations, I have been compelled to conclude that there is no hope of discovering Erik's family.

Next the daroga was instructed to go and find Erik. He brought him to Persia, where for some months Erik's will was law. He was guilty of not a few horrors, for he seemed not to know the difference between good and evil. He took part calmly in a number of political assassinations; and he turned his diabolical inventive powers against the Emir of Afghanistan, who was at war with the Persian empire.

In as few words as possible, he related Erik's history, to which his visitor listened with profound attention. "And this boy is still living?" asked Tudor Brown. "Assuredly he is living. He is in good health, and in October next he will begin his studies in the Medical University at Upsal." "Ah! ah!" answered the stranger, who seemed lost in reflection.

The next day at dawn Erik had the "Alaska" steering for the island of Ljakow. As for the "Vega" she had to wait until the breaking up of the ice would permit her to reach the Pacific. The first part of Erik's task was now accomplished. He had found Nordenskiold. The second still remained to be fulfilled: to find Patrick O'Donoghan, and see if he could persuade him to disclose his secret.

In the midst of this conflict one of Erik's men went forward and cut the lashings that bound the ships together, so that Olaf's dragonship drifted apart. Olaf noticed this, and he fought his way across the deck to where Vagn Akison was. At this moment there was a great onrush of Norwegians, and Vagn and Olaf sought the safety of one of their own ships.

Seeing this fine ship, Sweyn grew eager for the fight and ordered his men on board in spite of Erik's warning that the time had not yet arrived. "Are you afraid of them?" sneered the Dane. "Have you lost all desire to avenge your father?" "Wait and you will see," retorted Erik. "Before the sun sets you will find who is most eager for battle, I, or you and your men."

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