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Updated: August 9, 2024

The man stood waiting at the door of his study, until he called to him: "Thou hast a message for me from ?" "The Dama Ecciva de Montferrat, Eccellentissimo," the messenger answered, readily. "Deliver it."

"Our time is short, Dama Ecciva," he reminded her at length, when she had chosen a cushioned corner and sat toying with a bunch of wild orchids seemingly forgetful of his presence, as of her summons. "We are alone: and if thou hast a confidence to make 'of import to the State' " "The time is long enough for our needs, Eccellentissimo," she retorted, with a rippling laugh.

"Aye, your Excellency for maids and women are not as men; and facts not over-gentle may be best untold." "Nay not that not that: but there is time much time and for the present the care shall be to delight." "It is the office of a courtier, Eccellentissimo; it befools a scholar," the Historical Secretary exclaimed with indignation.

See Perkins's Italian Sculptors, pp. 46, 47. Istoria della Vita e Fatti dell' eccellentissimo Capitano di guerra Bartolommeo Colleoni, scritta per Pietro Spino. Republished, 1859. See Vol. I., Age of the Despots, p. 310, note 2. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, vol. ii. chap, xvi., may be consulted as to the several claims of the two brothers.

Take her carefully over the early Christian traditions she doth most seriously incline to venerate the Church: there is food in these matters to consume much time." "And then, Eccellentissimo, one may venture to tell the story of the House of Lusignan?" The research of the learned Secretary had brought him in contact with Cyprus, but it had not inclined him to make fancy pictures of its kings.

The distinguished forestieri should have the very room His Eccellentissimo had occupied! She seemed to choose among the Americans by instinct, assigning to Derby and Porter this apartment in which she took such evident pride.

"I was to remind your Excellency that the galley will sail to-morrow for Venice if your Excellency should have despatches the Dama de Montferrat feared that it might not be known beyond the castle." "Is this known within the castle and by order of the Castellan?" Bernardini asked quickly, in surprise. "Eccellentissimo, the word came to me by the Dama de Montferrat, in confidence.

I would have had another of our Cyprian nobles, because of this jealousy of Venice. But they have kept themselves so much from court that we have not seen their color; and we dare not trifle with them, for the time is critical." "Why not thou Eccellentissimo?" "Nay; I may keep a wider outlook on the interests of the kingdom without the Council.

"It is less beautiful by the Holy Madonna of San Castello! than the lantern of wrought iron with the jewels of rubino that Messer Girolamo Magagnati makes this day, by order of the Eccellentissimo Andrea Mocenigo, with the jewels of the fine glass of Murano that shall be like roses flashing in the night!"

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