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The author lays in a store against the dark weather-Hears voices His thoughts thereon Persuades himself it was a dream Hears them again Determines to see if any one lodged in the rock Is satisfied there is nobody Observations on what he saw Finds a strong weed like whipcord Makes a drag-net Lengthens it Catches a monster Its description Makes oil of it

I mentioned on Tuesday the captivity of Lord Cornwallis and his army, the Columbus who was to bestow America on us again. A second army taken in a drag-net is an uncommon event, and happened but once to the Romans, who sought adventures everywhere.

He at first swore that he would ferret out the mystery in the matter, and would go through Calcutta with a drag-net if necessary to find the possible other boy who so resembled me that his outrageous acts were put upon my shoulders; but people had be-gun to make up their minds that there was not only something wrong about me, but that my mother knew it and had tried to get me out of my scrapes by lying so there was nothing for us to do but leave."

Twice had he saved Ehrenstein from the drag-net of war, and with honor. So he was admired by fathers and revered by mothers. The secretary came in and laid a thin packet of papers on the chancellor's desk. "It was the packet A, your Highness?" his hand still resting upon the documents. "Yes. You may go." The secretary bowed and withdrew.

How is it gathered? We must confess that it is gathered very much by chance. A drag-net is thrown out, and whatever comes is taken. An examination into the process of collecting shows what sort of news we are likely to get, and that nine-tenths of that printed is collected without much intelligence exercised in selection.

Well, we made a regular drag-net on the return trip, scourin' the bushes for twenty feet on either side, but no tank turns up. "Looks like we were stranded," says I, as we fetches up at the roadster once more. Miss Ann McLeod, though, ain't one to give up easy. Besides, she's had all that efficiency trainin'.

"It's the drag-net of human effort, the shelter within which cowards run to cover. In its place it has purpose, but its place, for convenience sake, has been immensely magnified. And why is convention limited to women?" It was childish my outburst and, ashamed of it, I started to go in, then turned and again looked at Selwyn.

My weakness for a good horse was the secret of much of my success in ranching during the early days, for with a remuda of seventy picked horses it was impossible for any unowned animal to escape us. Our drag-net scoured the hills and valleys, and before the arrival of the surveyor we had run the "44" on over five hundred calves, mavericks, and wild cattle.

Hucks kept his Counting House replete, and even crowded, with chattels, some of which are reckoned among the necessaries of life, while others such as an accordion, a rain-gauge, and a case of stuffed humming-birds rank rather with its superfluities. Of others again you wondered how on earth they had been taken in Mr. Hucks's drag-net.

As an example of some of the difficulties of airship travel, this landing was possible only after the ship had circled the town and dropped a message asking the people to go to a large field near by and catch the dirigible drag-net when it approached the ground.