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Clowns that beat Grimaldi all to nothing turn up every day, and nobody patronizes themmore’s the pity! ‘I know who you mean,’ says some dirty-faced patron of Mr.

It was a street of small cottages, and empty lots, and goats, and many, many dirty-faced children. Some of these last ran after Nancy and Jennie and made faces at them as they sought out Number 307. "But as long as the goats don't run after us and make faces, I don't care," declared Jennie.

The Prior smiled quietly at the thought of the sturdy, dirty-faced boy working among crucibles and retorts. However, he only said: "Do you think of undertaking his education yourself?" "By no means," Mr. Ormskirk said, hastily.

I've known her since she was a dirty-faced papoose, and I never knew her to lie or steal. She wasn't in on that robbery I'll bank on that, and she wouldn't go off with a thief. It isn't like Annie."

As he puts the question, he becomes aware of a dirty-faced little man standing at the trooper's elbow and looking up, with an oddly twisted figure and countenance, into the trooper's face. After a few more puffs at his pipe, the trooper looks down askant at the little man, and the little man winks up at the trooper. "Well, sir," says Mr.

In another place the ground was strewn with rugs, broken provisions, empty and half-empty bottles, saddles galore. "'Av a 'oss, guv'nor, 'av a 'oss?" said a dirty-faced, sweaty, but generous Tommy to me, as he led a black Boer steed by the bridle. Not liking to take his capture from him, I went off to where he told me several were standing, and picked out a likely-looking grey.

No longer the frock coat and pearl tie, no longer the patent-leather boots and immaculate trousers. In their place a dirty-faced man in khaki, tastefully draped in flapping sandbags his boots covered, his hands stained.

After this little bit of philosophy there was another pause. 'There's rummer things than women in this world though, mind you, said the man with the black eye, slowly filling a large Dutch pipe, with a most capacious bowl. 'Are you married? inquired the dirty-faced man. 'Can't say I am.

He was just consoling himself with the thought that Eve would probably, before long, communicate her new address to the friends at Dudley, and by that means he might hear of it, when a dirty-faced little girl, who had stood within earshot while he was talking, and who had followed him to the end of the street, approached him with an abrupt inquiry. "Was you asking for Miss Madeley, Sir?"

The inhabitants were sunning themselves. Women with untidy hair and soiled petticoats were nursing their babies in the open air, and an occasional dirty-faced brat fell into the gutter or rolled over with shrieks of pain or joy. Gervaise felt faint and ill; all hope was gone. It seemed to her that all was over and that Lantier would come no more.